Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

catching breath

18 Jun

So, I didn’t get a whole lot of downtime this weekend. Starting with Friday afternoon, I left work, rode a quick ten on the trail, then made my way over to the local high school auditorium (now vacated by students, since Friday was the last day) to set-up and assist where necessary for the dress […]

friday random elevenish : “about 400 cranks per mile at 2-6 gearing” edition

15 Jun

More often than not, life looks a little better from other side of twenty miles on the trail. As folks keeping tabs on me this week likely know, I’ve been having a rough week, mentally and emotionally. Vivid dreams, unsettling nervous anxiety, intermittent malaise. Not my best showing. That said, I’ve been doing my best […]

figuring it out helps

13 Jun

Since I wrote my last post, I’ve kind of sunk into one of those strange, kinda mysterious depressive episodes I get now and then; feeling down, weird buzzes of axiety in the nervous system, typical for me. Sometimes it just happens, sometimes it’s got a reason. I thought at first it might be the rain/weather […]

productive weekend, huh?

11 Jun

I actually accomplished a very big pile of things this weekend. Friday night’s visit to Lynchburg to watch Shakespeare under the stars – Love’s Labor’s Lost – with the eldest was a nice trip; the show was well done for a small production, and the location, Jefferson’s Poplar Forest, is a gorgeous historical site I […]

concarolinas and beyond

04 Jun

As is tradition, consider this the Concarolinas wrap-up post! As I indicated previously, going into this one, it felt a little weird – there was some drama regarding guests and politics, which, thankfully, never ended up crossing my path during the weekend. Instead, I got to spend some time with dear friends, making music, jokes, […]

thursday random eleven – “no wonder i drink” edition

31 May

Because I’m off for a long weekend to do the ConCarolinas thing, I’m doing my random playlist this morning, because I like doing it, and I felt like playing some tunes before another day of virtual meeting data analysis starts for me today. For two days so far, I’ve been doing an all-day data analysis […]

end of may…

29 May

Not a bad weekend, all told. I spent a little more money than I would have liked, but this happens, and I can always make more. Busch Gardens and a trip to Blue Bee Cider can do that. I also got some cycling in (on the Virginia Capital Trail, no less), and washed and waxed […]

friday random eleven – “first year teacher sick” edition

25 May

Happy Friday, folks. I’m mostly relieved. This week, overall, hasn’t been ridiculously excessive work-wise (it helps when most of my management, nicely distant most of the time anyway, are out bowing and scraping as part of senior leadership’s retainer for out of state site visits, and most of the public sector workforce is using today […]

all time record – day four

15 May

This past Saturday morning, before heading out on adventures, I checked in, as I do, on social media, and found myself tagged by a friend with this: Day X of 10 of my all-time favorite albums. 10 days. What really made an impact and is still on your rotation list, even if only now and […]

weird and hot

14 May

This weekend got weird. I think I may have just had too many adventures in the last couple of days. Friday night was pizza (which was good, but didn’t agree with me), followed by Infinity War, which was about what I expected. I thought it was good, certainly, but, probably by design, it never gave […]

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