Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

friday random eleven: “okay, sure” edition

11 May

Well, it’s Friday. Finally. My work week wasn’t the worst, all told – I’ve left the office feeling better than when I arrived most days (a pattern I hope holds for today, because I really didn’t want to get out of bed). I’ve solved some problems, moved some others, and haven’t had anything else huge […]

you don’t own me anymore

10 May

Wednesday at work was a pretty awful one. My calendar was full of all my favorites: the data trading partners who like to shout,not listen, and not read the test reports we give them even a year later, the annual “remind the lawyer about last year’s conversation that answered all his questions about this acquisition […]

friday random eleven – “may the fourth be with you” edition

04 May

Happy Star Wars Day, a pretty cool holiday as far as totally made up holidays go, though I wonder why Disney didn’t arrange it’s schedule such that Solo: A Star Wars Story wasn’t released today – I understand not gettting in the way of Avengers: Infinity War*, but surely, that release date wasn’t immutable. Just […]

that kind of day

02 May

So, I looked at my calendar and inbox this morning, and had essentially this reaction: Yeah. At least the weather looks to be gorgeous this afternoon. I shall persevere; my bike’s hanging on the back of my car, and my riding clothes are in my bag. The park is calling.

friday random eleven: “not con crud again” edition

27 Apr

Grettings, all, from a rainy Friday morning, wrapping up a mostly rainy week. I still got ten miles in on the bike thus far (five in the rain, which may be an equal contributor to the business mentioned in the title of this post), when I was hoping to knock out at least 25. Oh […]

back in the world

24 Apr

Taking the Monday after the convention as annual leave is probably the best gift you can give yourself; just sayin’. I spent yesterday taking care of the life stuff I didn’t get to do over the weekend, as well as taking care of some basic rest I owed myself to make up for the con […]

still not Kansas

16 Apr

So we apparently had tornados and stuff last night. I slept through it all. Looks like my kid two hours west, and a bunch of my friends on the other side of the city got the warning and were sheltering in hallways and bathrooms and stuff. Seems like everybody’s cool and unharmed. That’s good. Weekend […]

friday random eleven: “convalescent” edition

13 Apr

If you’ve been keeping up, I’ve been in kind of a haze this week. It happens. I’ve been focusing a lot of my effort on maintaining some control of my office responsibilities (since I had to brief the big important people this week – it got…interesting. Didn’t realize how dire a lot of these people […]

friday random eleven: “good” edition

30 Mar

It’s Friday. I believe I may be dealing with a touch of con crud, west coast style. Joy. I’m feeling a little less than amazing. Should be a low-impact work day, thank goodness. Anyway, I just gotta get through the day, haul my ass out to Amherst this afternoon to haul the kid back (she […]

northern california’s got that brochure appeal

29 Mar

After many, many weeks of disrupted schedule, both good and bad, I’m back to my regular routine (for some definitions of regular, anyway). I’m still a little worse for wear from the travel, but I’ll manage; I’ve dealt with worse. All that said, Consonance out in San Jose was pretty great. Played some great shows, […]

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