Archive for the 'hobbies' Category


29 Jan

Now, I don’t really get the antipathy toward this word, though people seem to hate it, and it came up as the joke when I looked at WTForecast?!! (you mean you don’t know what WTF?!! is? you need to go and download the app immediately!) Sunday night. However, it certainly is descriptive of the circumstances […]

another snow day

18 Jan

Wednesday ended up being another snow day for me, although it probably didn’t really need to be. Oh well. At least I found out before I left for work. I did get out and about a bit; a quick coffee run, and a trip to the leather goods shop to pick up a ghillie that […]

marscon post-op, 2018 edition

16 Jan

As expected, I had a good time at Marscon this year. The people at this con; the organizers, the volunteers, the performers and guests, and the attendees are, at this point, like family – Marscon feels like coming home. You guys are awesome, and you really know how to make a person feel welcome, appreciated, […]

marscon schedule

11 Jan

In case you haven’t looked at this site in, like, forever, you probably know that I, as part of The Blibbering Humdingers, will be 1/3 Musical Guest of Honor at MarsCon in Williamsburg this weekend; merely one of a whole slew of really great guests, musical and otherwise. This is really my favorite con of […]

the idle times

28 Dec

Greetings, folks, from the leisurely period between Christmas and New Years where you never quite know what day it is. I had a little bit of a bout of illness here the last couple of days (my spouse too – I blame my kid back from college, which is fair, I was sick every year […]

remembering to take my plant home

11 Dec

Monday is, allegedly* my last “in-the-office” work day for 2017. Tuesday through Thursday, I’m off-site (at that nice training facility around the corner from my house) taking a not-so-exciting three day course on Earned Value Management, as I believe I may have mentioned. This is not something I’m excited about at all, but it’s required […]

two lane blacktop

04 Dec

I spent more than twelve hours behind the wheel this weekend. I have been from one end of Virgina to the other a couple of times, and my back is killing me, even if I did get a chance to catch up on my friends’ podcasts. I’ve been from Richmond to Amherst twice (two hours […]

fandom on the bay (sorta – bay-adjacent, certainly)

28 Nov

Hope your Thanksgiving was cool. Mine was, relatively; being one of those holidays where the culture foists marketing-crafted “traditions” on us and aims to make us feel inadequate if we don’t adhere, there’s always a bit of stress, even if I’ve managed to let go of a lot of that sense of obligation to do […]

end of my work week random eleven: “thanksgiving and such” edition

22 Nov

Wednesday is my last day at work this week. In fact, they’re releasing us a little early for the holiday, which I’ll take happily. I’ve got basic meal plans for the meal tomorrow – pretty low key, but I got some great produce at the farmers’ market this week (Turnips! Fresh Brussells Sprouts!) I’ll be […]

back to the grind…for a few days at least

20 Nov

All quiet on the bloggy front for the last week; as I said, I was in work training last week, and other than a few social media updates, I was kind of out of the writng brainspace, what with all the note-taking and getting up to speed on program management training. The good news to […]

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