Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

special edition thursday random eleven: “working vacation…from work” edition

09 Nov

I’m posting this Thursday, because of the observed Veteran’s day holiday tomorrow, as I’ll probably be mostly off the ‘tubes for the weekend. I have dance concerts to attend, potential assistance to provide, and a bit of a break to prepare for. After this week, which included yesterday’s Quarterly Dog and Pony Show*™ in the […]

probably too busy a weekend: wrock, dance, and road trips

30 Oct

Well, Saturday was pretty damned busy anyway. Friday was a usual workday, aside from hauling my behind out to Amherst to grab the kid (which I don’t mind doing at all – we had some nice bonding over college and work gossip and our friends Valentine Wolfe’s new record), with a stop at the Appomatox […]

friday random eleven: “feelin’ 84” edition

27 Oct

For those of you following along elsewhere, you’re already aware of the major events of my week. But for the rest of you, after being mostly down for count this past weekend with a quick-onset bug of some sort, I started the week okay, but got knocked down again Tuesday during the day , and […]

friday random eleven: “at least the tunes are good…” edition

20 Oct

So this is the week where it really felt like autumn dropped. I rode some on my trail along the river (staying off the last couple of days -they’re doing some power line work back there and it’s hard to ride with trucks in the way), and froze my behind off, but I got the […]

chestertown and such

10 Oct

I look very very serious here for some reason So, after nailing my exam (100%!) in record time on Friday afternoon, I hit the road for Chestertown, MD for the HP fest over the weekend, arriving with plenty time time to go on stage, in part because the opening festivities were running a bit late. […]

friday random eleven: “academia and artistic expression” edition

06 Oct

As I mentioned earlier, I’ve been plowing through class work all week to the point that Earned Value Management formulas are dripping out of my ears (my nose is too occupied by the mucus – I ran out of zyrtec this week, replaced it with a claritin for one day, and I think that was […]

friday random eleven thirteen: “so angry I can’t count” edition

29 Sep

warning: contains significant workplace bitching vague-blogging content This week, as some of you may be aware, is the last week of the fiscal year for many areas of the public sector, including mine. This generally includes a mad dash to obligate ALL THE DOLLARS before the end of the year to make budgets work out […]

friday random eleven: “equinox you out” edition

22 Sep

I have signed entirely too many documents this week. I have signed one particular document SEVEN TIMES. And the week’s not over yet. I joked last night that these purchasing folks will be asking for blood types and stool measurements/descriptions before all is said and done, though I’m pretty sure I was kidding on the […]

bitching and coping

21 Sep

I’m really dependent on the little things I get to do these days to get me through life, because main-line “stuff I gotta do to meet the base needs at the bottom of Maslow’s Pyramid” just isn’t working for me. It’s the end of the fiscal year, which used to be a pain in the […]

friday fifth monday random eleven – “nobody died” edition

15 Sep

As the slight tweak to the title of this post suggests, it’s been another one of those weeks; not just for me, but for pretty much everybody I’ve come in contact with. Starting Wednesday, I’ve run into several people (who had no reason to talk to each other about this) refer to the day as […]

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