Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

friday random eleven: “back to the mundane” edition

08 Sep

With the big geek labor day celebration behind me, I returned to the mundane world of public sector information technology program management on Thursday, and was pleased to find that that the place didn’t collapse in my absence. Well, my corner of it didn’t, anyway. Looks like one of my EDI trading partners’ feed shit […]

DragonCon 2017 round-up

07 Sep

So, that’s another DragonCon for the books. After four years of doing this (and the rest of the band having an extra year on me besides), we seem to have both figured out logistics and a few tricks for, as well as developed a pretty decent following at, this event; things went pretty damned smooth […]

Dragon*Con time

30 Aug

Wednesday is my last work day before taking a few days off for my annual march to Atlanta with The Blibbering Humdingers for Dragon*Con, where we’ll be playing a bunch of shows, vending, and generally taking in the sights and catching up with dear friends and co-conspirators. In case you’re in the area, here’s where […]

my weekend – look what you made me do

28 Aug

yep, that’s just me channelling my inner TS (actually, while I haven’t been keeping up with all this, they song is kind of catchy, and apparently she’s a bad girl now? I don’t get it. Also, Madonna did all this stuff better 30 years ago). Whatever. I had a weekend. It was a pretty good […]

friday random eleven: “storm before the storm” edition

25 Aug

As indicated earlier, ’twas my birthday week this week, and it was…okay. The rest of the week was full of weird stresses I don’t always hit. Work was extra stressful (it’s the end of the fiscal year, and they keep on changing the rules about getting my contracts sorted, plus the series of tubes shit […]

friday random eleven: “really feels like saturday” edition

11 Aug

I spent so much of this week feeling under the weather, I locking down what day it was has been tough. I was out Tuesday(?) on sick leave – feverish, chills, all that good stuff. I slept for 19 hours. Guess I needed it. And, it saved me from thinking too hard about all the […]

friday random eleven – “hoofin’ it” edition

04 Aug

Yeah. Nothing really huge happened this week (nothing that affected me personally, anyway – we’ve been watching a bit of drama from afar), though the week itself felt awfully huge. I’m tired, and I’m ready to be over. I had plans last night to go to a book signing at Fountain, but as I sat […]

friday random eleven: “teenage hollywood” edition

07 Jul

It’s been kind of a week. A short week; which always feels longer for some reason. Time dilation’s a bitch. If I hadn’t mentioned it previously (I haven’t posted here in a week, so I haven’t mentioned it here, I guess), we had a pretty good holiday weekend. A lot of it was pretty chill, […]

friday random eleven: “positive pendulum” edition

30 Jun

Happy Friday, folks. It’s relatively happy for me, as I’m looking at a short work day (thanks to having had to stay a few hours late earlier this week for an absolutely draining annual audit review meeting) heading into a four day weekend (Happy Independence Day! Happy Canada Day!) . Plus, I get to spend […]

somewhere on the journey I find we

26 Jun

Twenty years ago today, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was first published. Somewhere in late 1999 or early 2000 (I honestly don’t remember quite when, but the experience sticks with me), I picked up a paperback copy of Sorcerer’s Stone (oh, how I still wish, all these years later, they just went with the […]

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