Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

friday random eleven: “what a craic” edition

23 Jun

Another week down. I spent quite a bit of it doing the usual work/exercise/etc thing. Pretty standard, aside from a couple of car service appointments (one of which is still in process – a recall repair/rogue check engine light on the van is taking a while, so the spouse is currently rocking a 363hp Chrysler […]

friday random eleven: “lots of big stuff” edition

09 Jun

Lots of big stuff happening this past week…Obviously, the *biggest* news was what happened in the last post. So far, the kid tells me she doesn’t feel all that different, which is understandable; this big event, to be honest, probably has a lot more to do with how other people see you than how you […]

concarolinas – where I’ll be

01 Jun

So, this weekend is ConCarolinas, a con in Charlotte, NC I’ve done the last couple of years with The Humdingers, which has always been a pretty good time; usually a bunch of our musical friends are there, and we get up to all sorts of mischief (usually the good kind). This year is no exception, […]

minor musical crisis….averted

25 May

So this happened Tuesday evening when I sat down to run through a few tunes: As I was tuning up the guitar, I grabbed the tuning machine for my D string, and the knob fell off in my hand. Surveying the damage, I noticed the whole thing was slightly bent out of shape; I don’t […]

wrocking roanoke

15 May

So…the Roanoke HP festival. It was interesting. There were some weird organizational issues that could be chalked up to this being the first year of an event that got way bigger than anybody expected (and a couple of rumors I won’t go into that probably can’t). The folks in attendance seemed to have fun (even […]

friday random eleven: “don’t talk about it” edition

12 May

Happy rainy Friday, folks! I’m wrapping up my work week a little early to make the trek to the other end of the state for the Roanoke Harry Potter Festival gig tomorrow, which should be fun, even if the whole business has been wet, rainy fustercluck so far in terms of scheduling, atmospheric conditions, and […]

friday random eleven – “all over the place” edition

05 May

Happy Friday, folks. It’s actually not been a bad week at all. At work, I’ve managed to finally (I think) give everyone the documentation they need to wrap up the annual budget/contract stuff so I’ll be able to pay my folks next year. I hope, anyway. It feels good right now, so I’ll take it. […]

thursday random eleven – “because I won’t be here friday” edition

27 Apr

Hey folks, as evidenced below, since I’m taking a couple of days off to prepare for and recover from Ravencon (and also, because I deserve it), I probably won’t be in this space much, so why not throw up a playlist today while I’m going through my emails and sorting out the day? I’ve already […]

happy discount candy day, spring edition

17 Apr

it’s monday. yep. I’m still feeling pretty okay; all told. It’s refreshing, but kind of weird, to be operating without significant anxiety. Life hasn’t changed, at all, really, though dealing with it’s got much easier; I recognize the problems, but they don’t weigh on my so heavily. I’m eating less, sleeping better, and, all, is, […]

friday random eleven: “feeling good enough to wax philosophical about my place in the ensemble” edition

14 Apr

it’s Friday, which is nice. Actually the outlook around these parts is not awful. Thanks to the nice weather, and let’s face it, the the dosage adjustments from the doc, I’ve been feeling a lot better; it’s not that the world or work or anything has gotten less uncertain or threatening – that’s about the […]

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