Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

friday random eleven – “making the things” edition

07 Apr

Happy Friday to you all, more or less. I will admit to a little deja vu, as yesterday felt an awful lot like Friday to me, which is never a great thing to have happen to someone on a Thursday, as you can imagine. The week’s been the usual weirdness and uncertainty, though I’ve made […]

spam folder poetry time!

04 Apr

As I occasionally do, I practice sustainability by recycling the electronic drivel I find in my spam folder by grabbing snippets of spam comments about replica handbags and search engine optimization and re-arranging them into verse. Why do I do this? Because it amuses me for a few minutes, and probably because it confounds search […]

fools and fairies and other stuff

03 Apr

As indicated earlier, I spent the weekend “on the road” as a working musician, playing a couple of shows with The Blibbering Humdingers down south, one our first online streaming “show” (really, we pointed a camera at our practice session, on the couch at Humdinger Central, but people watched and interacted and it was fun […]

friday random eleven: “music therapy” edition

31 Mar

Again, been a long week with lots of uncertainty and work weirdness, though some of this explained by the apparent presence of my position predecessor/nemesis back in the mix, who is always good for trying to work around procedures and throwing people under the bus to get ahead. Damn. Anyway, that’s in the past, or […]

weekend – not nearly long enough

27 Mar

So, Friday night we did go to The Fountain and hung out with John Scalzi for a couple of hours. Nice crowd in the tiny, awesome store, including our friends Chris and Melissa in from Norfolk. Scalzi read a bunch of cool stuff (including a chapter from the forthcoming sequel to the very good Lock […]

making things, reviewing things

20 Mar

Hanging in there. It’s the monday after the sunday after the saturday immediatlely following the actual calendar date of St. Patrick’s Day, which is really stretching the joke, but with a family of Irish dancers, it’s the life. We (I say we because I always roadie these things) had one performance on Friday night at […]

project positivity: day two

07 Mar

So Tuesday…work was kind of mixed; started out slow (though we accomplished a lot on the current “big” project) but wrapped up with a big rush of paperwork for a couple of hours, because somebody asked for something else on my resource request, so I had to fill out a bunch of new paperwork and […]

directive: attain positivity

06 Mar

Looking back at my post titles from the last couple of weeks, it’s pretty damned depressing. It is kind of depressing right now; to be honest, and I really, truly could use a win right now, however small. That said, I’m going to try to remain positive. To that end, I’m going to try to […]

hey tuesday…

21 Feb

I’m getting a tiny bit of a breather on a Tuesday morning, which has, so far, been filled with all sorts of “absolultey HOT, need ASAP!” tasks waiting for me that hit my email after 4pm on Friday, though a cursory look at the email trail for context shows that the people needing them “ASAP!” […]

friday random eleven: “fifteen” edition

17 Feb

Happy Friday, folks. This week’s been, not exactly uneventful (in fact, on some higher conceptual levels, it’s been pretty damned eventful indeed), but it’s passed quickly and quietly for the most part. Weird Virginia weather, sinus pressure a constant annoyance, the usual political noise, and Valentine’s/Discount Candy Day, depending on your perspective. Today is, however […]

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