Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

revel for the weekend

14 Sep

The other day I mentioned a gig this weekend with the Humdingers, and now I have the details: We’re playing both days of the Central NC Pagan Pride Festival at the NC State Fairgrounds in Raleigh. If you’re in the area, come on out, admission each day is a non-perishable donation to the Central and […]

friday random eleven: “quoting danny glover” edition

09 Sep

What with all the dragoncon stuff the last couple of weeks, there’s been little attention paid to all the other stuff going on. The biggest of this is the fact that we sent the kids back to school this week. I have two kids in high school now. I’m getting too old for this shit, […]

dragon*con wrap up, 2016 edition

08 Sep

So, after a couple of days of recovery, the story can be told. This was, in a lot of ways, the best Dragon*Con we’ve ever had. The energy from the audience at our shows was great, we *played* great, we had a lot of fun, and the fans (we have fans!) really supported us throughout […]

it’s dragon*con week

29 Aug

If you happen to be in Atlanta this coming weekend, once again, the Blibbering Humdingers are playing Dragon*Con as part of the filk track, and once again, I’ll be joining them to play bass and carry heavy things around. I’m checking out of the office for a week or so starting Wednesday, which I think […]

friday random ten – “you mean I gotta wait until 2031?!?” edition

12 Aug

Happy Friday. You know it’s going to be thaty kind of day when the first thing you do in the office is, after checking a notification that a document’s been added to your personnel file (we’re reorganizing here, and the paperwork has finally caught up with the office code change), you start going down the […]

mediocrity personified

08 Aug

My weekend. I actually got lots of useful little projects done like pruning the wardrobe, replacing the broken handle hardware on my dresser, and doing a good deep cleaning of the fish tank. The big donation bag of clothes got me thinking of downsizing in other ways, so I spent some time looking up potential […]

friday random ten – “pop culture omnivore” edition

05 Aug

Being Friday, I shall continue my tradition of posting a random list of tunes pulled off of an interest streaming service, and offering up a short summary of my week. The tunes’ll come eventually, I promise. As for the week, it’s been less than optimal. First of all, the kitten (who’s really past two years […]

friday random ten: “maybe half a trainwreck” edition

29 Jul

If you’d been paying attention to my goings on this week, you probably caught a mixture of hair-tearing stress and affectionate Tim Kaine dad jokes. Work’s been interesting, if non-conclusive lately; the agency re-org is slowly proceeding, and I think I may have an actual idea of where I’m eventually going to land; I’ve always […]

reacting to the news after coming out of a nearly 72-hour migraine induced fog

25 Jul

I indicated briefly on Friday that I had what I thought was a migraine brewing. As I kind of expected, it swung into full-on head pain/fog/hangover without the benefit of alcohol/oh-my-god-i-feel-like-crap-for-days by the end of the workday. It really got going on the drive home, where I had to pull over and vomit half-way through […]

friday random ten: “best of times, worst of times” edition

22 Jul

It’s been a week; it started with a pretty great anniversary date with good food and British “action transvestite” comedy, then swung back and forth between awesome and shitty: damaged cars and insurance claims (boo!), many cancelled meetings (yay!), great band rehearsals (rawk \m/ ) and less than great band rehearsals (meh.), my kid beating […]

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