Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

friday random elevenish: “considering independence” edition

01 Jul

Bruen. Dobbs. Kennedy. OK v. Castro-Huerta. WV v. EPA…. From my perspective, this was not a great couple of weeks for this country. These decisions, along with some other things, have not made things better. More guns. Right to privacy gutted. Establishment Clause crossed out. Tribal Sovereignty rolled back to 1839. The government’s ability to […]


21 Jun

So this weekend I took on a summer project… The lure of suggested ads from social media platform classifieds was too much of a siren song to bear, and I clicked a listing for a “needs some work” road bike that didn’t look too bad. After work on Friday, I took a drive to the […]

summary of active crises – june 2022

06 Jun

If one were given to wallow in cliche, absence, they say, makes the heart grow fonder. Honestly, though, based on the stats, mostly don’t think anybody much cares. Apart from a couple of playlist posts the last couple of weeks, I’ve been largely absent from this space. And if I’m absent, pretty much everybody’s absent; […]

friday random elevenish: “retro grading” edition

13 May

Another week gone, spent, primarily, pushing five requirements packages over the line to get briefed and funded at work, clearing the decks so I can maybe have some time to work on all the evil overlord/”remake the agency” projects the bosses and I are hatching to hopefully improve things around here. That’s where my head’s […]

not quite

08 May

Well, I didn’t quite finish off one hundred miles this weekend for the 2022 Cap2Cap. As I mentioned, I’ve been struggling with a respiratory thing with cruddy lungs, sore throat, and fatigue. It’s not COVID (I checked), but it, and the weather, had been keeping me down most of the week. I did, however, get […]

friday random elevenish: “100 bpm” edition

06 May

Hell of a week this was. Couple of twelve hour work days, sprained wrist, and cold-like symptoms the last several days, which have played hell with my anxiety, as I’ve been having dreams the early part of this week that I’d caught the ‘rona at RavenCon and that would sideline my plans to participate in […]

friday random elevenish: “nevermooring” edition

29 Apr

Been another week. Although I started strong with a fifty-miler on Sunday and a few smaller rides later on, I spent a lot of the week struggling through allergies and aches associated with some sort of bug the kid brought home from school. I’m largely past it, I think, but it wasn’t ideal; I was […]

the good tired – marscon 22 wrap-up

22 Mar

no idea why I’m always slightly out of frame in action shots… Marscon was, as it always is, a good time; it’s home. It’s the place where my con music career transformed from the guy in the back of the filk room all the way up to the guy with a well-attended solo set on […]

soundboards and spokes

07 Mar

Between load-in Friday night and all day behind the board on Saturday, the dance competition ate up a good chunk of the weekend. It could have been much more frustrating than it was; not to say that there wasn’t *any* frustration, from the usual personalities, but I got through the day with minimal hiccups, and […]

felt like crap, still functioned

21 Feb

If you’ve been regularly reading this space for the last, um, two years or so, I’ve been stressed as hell lately and not exactly in the best frame of mind. Pretty obvious, right? After the last few weeks, I pretty much decided that I was taking this long President’s Day weekend and spending at least […]

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