Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

personal milestones

31 Aug

Just a couple of notes of celebration, or something… Note The First: I did my third cycling fifty(-two)-miler of the summer on Sunday. Averaged over 14mph, knocked twenty minutes off of my best time, and did the whole business in under four hours. My ass kind of gave out after about 45 miles, but that’s […]

friday random elevenish: “more input” edition

27 Aug

For the first week of year forty-eight, it could’ve been worse. I got a *ton* of stuff done at work, and finally got the meeting with my boss lined up we’ve been trying to have for more than a week, where we hatched plans to redesign the broken processes of our agency from the ground […]

friday random elevenish: “climate change is real” edition

13 Aug

The video above is not only objectively the best Katy Perry song, it’s also an adequate descriptor of the week. Outside, it’s regularly breaking 100° and inside, at my work desk at home, I’m wearing a sweatshirt, because my chair sits right on top of the air conditioning vent (which is the closest vent to […]

♫ should i get a set of white wall tires? ♫

13 Jul

Congregate was a pretty decent time, all told. I saw plenty of friends, played some music, including getting my own reasonably well-attended (in comparison to average attendance for musical performances for the weekend) last minute set when I filled in for my friend Keith on Friday afternoon (which went way better than my impulsive open […]

friday random elevenish: “nothing of particular interest” edition

02 Jul

Been another week. Work. Bike. Play a little guitar. Standard in this time when half the world has decided that the pandemic’s over, and the other half is focusing on rising infections of the Delta Variant, especially because a good third of this country (and a much larger percentage of the localities surrounding mine, even […]

friday random elevenish: “juneteenth (observed)” edition

18 Jun

It’s been a relatively quiet week (at work, anyway), capped off by a welcome surprise day off thanks to the Federal Government (including unanimous consent in this Senate!) making tomorrow, Juneteenth, a national federal holiday, which, frankly, is long overdue (now, let’s just pass *any* of the election reform laws floating around DC right now, […]

re-entering impolite society

08 Jun

photo courtesy of my friend Wanda; focus on my cheater tablet stand rather than on me. So that’s Concarolinas in the books. Our shows went pretty well, considering we hadn’t played together in over a year. I thought we sounded good enough, and the folks who came to listen understood that we were shaking off […]

thursday random elevenish: “back in the world” edition

03 Jun

Going to do this today, because when I’d normally be prepping this post, I’ll be packing and heading south for my first live gigs in over a year. It’s still a little intimidating, even if after rehearsals that showed me that I haven’t forgotten nearly as much as I thought I had, to be getting […]

finding the zone

01 Jun

The weekend was…a weekend. Sure enough, it rained most of Saturday and Sunday, which the crops I see sprouting along Route 5 certainly needed, though it wrote off those days for the cycling I had so desired. But, I got the grocery shopping done, made a killer slow-cooker pot roast, dropped into Guitar Center to […]

friday random elevenish: “lagging behind” edition

21 May

I honestly don’t know what to make of this week. Not surprisingly, given last weekend, I kind of started behind, and honestly never quite caught up. So much of it has to do with trying to keep up with everyone else’s needs, tracking the requirements of two completely unrelated job descriptions, attempting to snag a […]

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