Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

mostly nice

11 May

I took a few days off last week. I rather needed it. I slept in (for certain personal values of “slept in”), got some stuff done that needed doing (mowed the grass, detailed the car, etc), tried to relax a bit, and then on Friday, I got up in the morning and did the Cap2Cap, […]

recurrence side effects may include vexation

04 May

In an *interesting* development, ten days after getting my second dose of the Pfizer shot, Monday night I got hit with a repeat performance of those wonderful side effects. Not as intense as the initial round, but still a slightly elevated fever, muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes. Joy. I know this means that it’s […]

hoping for some sort of kintsugi resolution

03 May

All that broken stuff on Thursday in the last post? The train, as they say, keeps rollin’, though thankfully, it’s nothing that can’t be recovered from, though some things are rougher than others. To start with, I’ve been watching my lovely spouse deal with the stressful realization that something that’s been a significant part of […]

friday random elevenish: “it’s all breaking” edition

30 Apr

Apart from my spending the whole week thinking it was a day later than it was, I got a heck of a lot done, at least up until Thursday. Never got the hang, etc. Earlier in the week, they started migrating the email system at work to a different platform (the whats and whos aren’t […]

vaccination after-action report

26 Apr

As I had indicated in Friday’s post, I got my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine that afternoon. The mass vaccination site I’d been scheduled for (a local university athletic center) was much less crowded this time around, in part because we’re doing pretty well in this state in terms of vaccinations overall, two, because […]

ibuprofen for breakfast, or adventures in middle-aged bicycling

19 Apr

The weather this weekend was rather beautiful, so I spent a good bit of time on two wheels, and even hit a couple of personal milestones. It’s one area where I can feel like I’m not failing at life; cycling is giving me a consistent string of “wins” that I’m sorely in need of. Even […]

personal bests and feminist film criticism

12 Apr

The weather this weekend ended up being absolutely beautiful in spite of less-than-ideal forecasts late last week. And, since my locked-in appointment for Saturday afternoon ended up getting bumped a few days, I went ahead with my cycling plans. Saturday morning I rose early and drove out to mile marker 0 of the Capital Trail […]

friday random elevenish: “more of the same” edition

09 Apr

While work was as frustrating as requirements review board submission deadline week usually is, it was an otherwise decent week. The certification test I’m running in the other piece of my job that I haven’t been able to let go of yet after the reorg in February is going swimmingly, and more importantly, the weather’s […]

knocking off early

07 Apr

Today’s weather report tells me it’s going to be sunny and in the 80s by noon today. I have entirely too much annual leave just sitting there because there’s been almost no reason to go anywhere, and no place to go, for most of a year. I’ve been working pretty hard this week, and am […]

hits like a truck

05 Apr

As I mentioned, I got my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine on Friday afternoon. I was hoping for few side effects, as I had ambitious cycling plans for the weekend. Those didn’t happen. I can’t say this will be everyone’s experience, but for me, the exhaustion and “wiped out” feeling hit hard right around […]

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