Archive for the 'hobbies' Category

friday random elevenish: “tolerating the white stuff” edition

12 Feb

It’s Friday. About damned time. I’ll be honest, it’s been a heavy week. Accomplished quite a bit, and maybe drank a little too much, but all with an unmistakable air of frustration and bleh. Finally got the lawn guys mostly sorted, and my property is mostly clear of crap before the snowstorm. That effort was […]

climate change is real

08 Feb

H/T to friend Amber for this one Apart from the schizophrenic southern weather, this weekend wasn’t bad. Not saying it was particularly atypical; after all, our world is one where there isn’t a hell of a lot of novelty right now. I watched a couple of movies, finished a book and started another, made a […]

friday random elevenish: “music everywhere” edition

05 Feb

This week’s been a strange one. The weather’s been bizarre; swinging from three inches of snow to start the week to hitting damned near 70° yesterday afternoon (and making for a wonderful day to *finally* get out for a brisk three mile hike). It’s raining this morning, which I should have expected, since after some […]

first day of FAWM, 2021

01 Feb

As mentioned last week, I’m participating in my fourth year of February Album Writing Month, a challenge to oneself to write 14 songs in 28 days. I find I really enjoy it; it forces me to be creative on a schedule, and the community of songwriters involved are wonderful, supportive, and amazing. It feels like […]

friday random elevenish: “conference call vs. leaf blower” edition

29 Jan

By the time you’re reading this, there should be a small army of leaf blowers scraping autumn off of my property. I also have a couple of phone calls Friday morning, so that should make the work day interesting. It’s been, as they say, a week. I’ve been a little on edge emotionally, and again, […]

virtually mars

19 Jan

Given current circumstances, as mentioned previously, Marscon didn’t happen as scheduled in person in Williamsburg this year, but a bunch of regulars stepped up to help create a virtual experience for those of us missing our chosen family of misfits. In the form of a bunch of online meetups, streaming video, and all the other […]

friday random elevenish: “so, anything happen this week?” edition

15 Jan

So, given the last ten days or so in Washington, we’re in all kinds of uncharted territory. While the former civics/history teacher in me is fascinated, the concerned citizen in me is, well, concerned, and not in a Susan Collins way. While I am absolutely in favor of impeachment here, because there have to be […]

virtual marscon event – chuck’s happy hour hangout

12 Jan

Marscon, were we in normal times, would be happening this weekend in Williamsburg. It is perhaps my favorite weekend of the year, where I get to spend time with my chosen family of creative, awesome people, making music, making each other laugh, sharing the occasional fortified beverage, and generally enjoying each other’s company. We are […]

gonna take a stand

11 Jan

You know, I’m all for the idea of “common ground” and “cooperation” in government; such things as these and compromise are at the heart of our Federal system. But, when we’re just a few days out from a sitting President spending a noontime rally riling up supporters to storm the People’s House and disrupt the […]

friday random elevenish: “striving for banality” edition

08 Jan

That thing they say about interesting times? These might be some. That said, I’ve blathered on enough about politics and Constitutional interpretation for this week; if something happens, it happens, but that’s not what this particular utterance into the void is going to be about. Let’s get dull. This week, on the micro/household scale has […]

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