Archive for the 'life' Category
…and another one gone
By the time anyone reads this, I’ll be done working for the year. It’s kind of fitting that the big thing on my agenda for the last day is the try-to-make-it-quarterly touchpoint meeting with my supervisor to talk through the whole work experience thing and make plans for moving forward into 2024. So, having wrapped […]
friday random elevenish: “so raise a glass…” edition
We’re hitting that interesting time of year. Work, thankfully, is slowing down as all of my fellow public sector bureaucrats start burning their use-or-lose leave and leaving the halls of power empty (or emptier than usual, given the fact that so many of us work remotely now). The co-worker I’ve been unofficially mentoring for the […]
promo – thursday at the kilt
friday random elevenish: “worst in recent memory” edition
Overall, this has been a pretty crappy week. Sunday morning I was chopping vegetables into the crock pot for vegetable soup and tagged the tip of my left ring finger with a just-swharpened knife. Ouch. Also, having the bandage there has wseriously impeded productivity; it keeps getting in the way of the typing by which […]
friday saturday random elevenish – “i have been absent” edition
Yes, I’ve been absent. It’s been a couple of weeks. I’ve been working like crazy. my lovely spouse has been dealing with medical issues. I’ve been helping. I’m trying to get a recording project done. I’ve been unpacking boxes. I’ve been hanging curtains. I’ve been reading books. I’ve been working even more. Life’s busy. But, […]
interesting historic times, and first times
So, I’m going to call my posting of the new version of “Shutdown Blues” a stroke of luck, because, as you, a reader well-informed on the news of the day, know the government didn’t shut down over the weekend, which, honestly, was fine, apart from the knowledge that it’s all the more likely we’ll be […]
friday non-random single: “watching washington” edition
Bureaucratic Talking Shutdown Blues (2020) by Chuck Parker Damn, I’m getting a lot of mileage out of this tune, though I suppose I need to update it with some new lyrics, maybe about how this whole thing really stems from that one time that Kevin McCarthy cock-blocked Matt Gaetz… In any case, I’ve spent the […]
friday random elevenish: “developing a routine again…maybe?” edition
This week was, if that’s possible right now….normal? The work week started out wrapping up the workshop my team’s been working the last couple of weeks, documenting processes and doing our best to impose order on the chaos that is our agency’s information technology department, at least in terms of how projects and acquisition requirements […]