Archive for the 'movies and tv' Category

friday random elevenish: “numb to the collapse of the republic…and whiskey” edition

28 Mar

I’m frankly tired of being angry and afraid. The stress of this whole < gestures widely toward this general overall situation > is certainly still there, and festering, but I suspect I’ve just become inured to the constant pressure of all these stressors. It’s not quite numbness, but it’s getting there. I’d like to think […]

well that sucked; but that just makes us work harder

10 Nov

So, the results on Tuesday were so not what so many of us were hoping for. So much of America, both the 75 million who voted for him, and the 11 million who didn’t show up, showed us who they are, and who they are reeks of racism, sexism, xenophobia, LGBTQ+-phobia, general non-neighborliness, more than […]

friday random elevenish: “so raise a glass…” edition

08 Dec

We’re hitting that interesting time of year. Work, thankfully, is slowing down as all of my fellow public sector bureaucrats start burning their use-or-lose leave and leaving the halls of power empty (or emptier than usual, given the fact that so many of us work remotely now). The co-worker I’ve been unofficially mentoring for the […]

friday random elevenish: “fifty-one point seven” edition

12 May

So yes, I was *on* all week, due to the off-site (at my former office a little north of here) program management workshop Tuesday through Thursday, which involved backing up my boss’s never-ending energy with technical expertise and rapid-fire abilities to yank obscure documentation out of the aether at her word. Plus, I had to […]


18 Apr

So, periodontal surgery last week went off without a hitch; got the gums slashed and stitched, and after the first eighteen hours or so which hurt like hell, the pain’s been very manageable. I’m a little tired of the industrial plastic taste from the dressings installed around the sutures, and am growing rather weary of […]

friday random elevenish: “twenty-one” edition

17 Feb

Another week down and all that…one that’s been pretty dull overall. Got out and spent some time outside, though not yesterday when it was gorgeous and I was stuck in a pre-brief for a CIO in-process review until almost 6pm, but whatever. Still hit my fitness goals every other day, got my stuff done, and […]

please don’t screw this up

17 Aug

Tomorrow, She-Hulk: Attorney At Law starts streaming on D+. If you know me, you know that I’m a full-on Marvel Comics dork, and that I have a special affection for the She-Hulk. I first discovered her in the mid-80s filling in for The Thing in the pages of Fantastic Four, but truly fell in love […]

try a little restlessness

08 Aug

I maybe kinda don’t know what to do with myself when folks aren’t around. As indicated previously, two of us have been out of town for the long weekend, and the others that are are home are living their own lives, so I’ve been left largely to my own devices for the last few days. […]

the one you see coming

19 Jan

I know these aren’t original, un-altered comic panels, but damn if they aren’t completely on-brand for my favorite Marvel 3rd-stringer hero: Indeed; Moon Knight; one of Marvel’s more interesting takes on a particular archetype, has never been a top-tier hero in comics or otherwise. He’s always been a weird, horror-adjacent vigilante with ties, real or […]


03 Jan

The New Year’s celebration, was, for me, pretty much non-existent. On December 31, the most exciting thing I did was buy tires and manage stress. I air-fried some brussells sprouts and broccoli, and went to bed before 9pm. So, so exciting. For New Years’ Day, I did the thing I try to do every year […]

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