Archive for the 'movies and tv' Category
happy discount candy day, spring edition
it’s monday. yep. I’m still feeling pretty okay; all told. It’s refreshing, but kind of weird, to be operating without significant anxiety. Life hasn’t changed, at all, really, though dealing with it’s got much easier; I recognize the problems, but they don’t weigh on my so heavily. I’m eating less, sleeping better, and, all, is, […]
this is gonna be great
…it may even Ragna-Rock! (I’m sorry). Here’s the teaser trailer for Thor: Ragnarok: It’s not like the other Thor movies, and that’s okay. This one, in large part, I think due to director Taikia Waititi (seriously, go see What We Do In The Shadows to get a sense of his sensibility – it’s on amazon […]
making things, reviewing things
Hanging in there. It’s the monday after the sunday after the saturday immediatlely following the actual calendar date of St. Patrick’s Day, which is really stretching the joke, but with a family of Irish dancers, it’s the life. We (I say we because I always roadie these things) had one performance on Friday night at […]
friday random eleven: “Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh!” edition
Greetings, everyone on this St. Patrick’s Day! I’m writing to you from the other side of a seemingly long (though actually kind of short) week. Not so much at work, though that’s had it’s own drama (it’s not every day the CIO of an organization gets shown the door seemingly without warning mid-week – I’m […]
twenty-four years ago today
Valentines’ Day, February, 1993. I had gotten my ass dumped by an individual I was kinda/sorta dating my freshman year of college. Turns out I dodged a serious bullet there (phrases like “chlamydia treatments” and “kicked out of England on drug charges” would be applied to this individual in the coming months/years), but yeah, at […]
friday random eleven – “anachonism” edition
I’m not going to belabor anyone with stories of my week; nobody wants that, not this week, anyway. I’m hoping for some enjoyment this evening, though, as the eldest child and I are scheduled to take in the musical stylings of Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox tonight at The National downtown. And maybe some BBQ beforehand. […]