Archive for the 'movies and tv' Category

the web-slinger comes home

10 Feb

As people (including me) have been speculating for months, a press release from Marvel Entertainment yesterday made things official: Spider-Man will join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Looks like it’s a collaborative arrangement, with Sony continuing to produce and finance the Spider-Man films, though in collaboration with Marvel Films, who will help to shape the creative […]

FF – intriguing

29 Jan

“The most important thing about the Fantastic Four is that this is a movie about a family.” -Josh Trank So I watched that teaser trailer the other day. It was interesting; it sure looked pretty, even if it didn’t quite look like the Fantastic Four (I refuse to acknowledge FANT4STIC at all except to dismiss […]

superhero round-up

27 Jan

Because some significant superhero media news came out on Monday, and I have thoughts! ♦- David Tenant as Zebediah Kilgrave/Purple Man in AKA Jessica Jones (I’m calling it that, even if it doesn’t end up being called that; it’s a great title for a long-in-development property) series going to Netflix is really good casting. I’m […]

back-channel studio communication and the spider-man situation

15 Dec

If you’ve been following entertainment news at all recently, you’ve probably heard about the Sony Pictures hack that went down recently, allegedly perpetrated by North Korea because of that Seth Rogen/James Franco comedy about tabloid journalists being recruited to assasinate Kim Jong-Un. Whether that suspicion is true or not (I don’t know), the world learned […]

election eve correspondence, briefly the weekend

03 Nov

Wanna know how I know America’s campain apparatus has shifted into Get-Out-The-Vote mode? My inbox (well, my spam folder, anyway) is full of pleas to get out the vote from 1/3rd of the Avengers (Scarlett Johannsen and Mark Ruffalo), rock legend Joan Jett, former Secretary of State Madeline Albright, the entire Democratic congressional leadership, The […]

dammit, hydra

23 Oct

The teaser for Avengers: Age of Ultron was supposed to drop with next week’s episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., but there was a leak last night (which Marvel blamed on HYDRA), so Marvel just went ahead and officially released it early. At the moment, I’m kind of embed-challenged, but you can see the trailer by […]

by the hoary hosts of hoggoth! cast this thing already

16 Oct

Warning: comic book deep-geekery™ ahead There’s been lots of Marvel movie news floating around the internet the last couple of weeks, the biggest news being the apparent set up of the Civil War arc in Cap 3 with prominent appearances by Robert Downey Jr. leading into giant special event pictures down the road. See also […]

dragon*con 2014 post-op report

03 Sep

So, as indicated previously, I spent the weekend at Dragon*Con in Atlanta, playing bass for my friends The Blibbering Humdingers throughout the weekend as part of the filk track. This is the space where I chronicle my experiences on this adventure. The executive summary/tl;dr version? It was great fun, though more than a little intimidating, […]

a week. a weekend.

04 Aug

Spent much of the past week feeling pretty awful. There was some sort of viral thing kicking around the office the week previous, and it landed on me, hard, over the weekend, so much so that I took last Monday off and slept for something like 16 hours straight. I’d mostly gotten clear of it […]

you know that feeling

21 Jul

Have you ever had an impending task looming over you for a good long while, hitting all sorts of impediments that need solved, and causing all manner of stress to your person? Sure you have. Remember when it finally got resolved? The relief you felt when the stress finally lifted, and you actually physically felt […]

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