Archive for the 'movies and tv' Category

birthday present

30 Jun

This weekend, the BBC the premiere date for the new season of Doctor Who. The new series will transmit, with new Doctor Peter Capaldi, on my birthday. Not an awful present, really. I’m looking forward to the new guy; I like the actor, and I like the idea of an older actor in the role […]

ant-man – bring it on

09 Jun

Comics, everybody! Over the past couple of weeks, the buzz around Edgar Wright leaving the production of Ant-Man, surely Marvel’s most risky film project yet, after being with the project since 2006 over what appear to be creative differences over the direction the studio wanted to take the story, has been interesting, yet still pretty […]

dirty neon

02 Jun

I spent all last week breathing in drywall dust thanks to construction at the office. Thus, I spent most of the weekend sacked out on the couch watching campy 80s movies and cracking the new Dresden (very good so far…you should read it). I’m required to do some actual work this week (both for the […]

life and thought – neither particularly original

27 May

Weekend: exterior light fixtures. bicycle. card games. guacamole. laundry. measurement. renfaire. burritos. Not particularly unusual. Random thought: The Bourne Legacy works surprisingly well if you pretend that it’s basically a pre-Avengers solo Hawkeye movie. Just replace Treadstone/Outcome with some Black Ops fork of the Super Soldier program or Department H, and add a scene at […]

because sometimes, things come to your brain unbidden

07 May

…this particular phrase just popped into my head at random this afternoon. I shall now share it with you: My own stools, Sir, are gigantic and have no more odor than a hot biscuit. Haven’t seen this particular movie in years, but the image is *right there* and it made me laugh.

kind of wished they waited for may 4

30 Apr

So, unless your internet is broken, you noticed yesterday evening that Disney released the cast list for Star Wars Episode VII. And it looks like a good one. The original big three are back, and looking pretty good, the newcomers are mostly intriguing and/or anonymous – John Boyega was excellent in Attack the Block, Andy […]

various and sundry pop culture and politics – Feb 2014

26 Feb

I’m feeling slightly guilty about not having huge amounts to say in this space. Suffice it to say that life and otherwise is keeping me occupied largely in meatspace. Running kids around and stepping up to cover for the spouse as she’s currently mired in some pretty intensive responsibilities lately, vehicle maintenance, headaches of electronic […]

all quiet on the eastern cold front

09 Dec

So, the big weather system that was supposed to cause such havoc ended up just being kinda wet and cold around here. Didn’t stop a bunch of things from being cancelled this weekend, though – which means, among other things, something I was hoping to be clear of after about 5pm on Sunday ended up […]

friday random ten – “long week(end)” edition

08 Nov

So yes, I only work four days per week (never mind that it’s ten hours per day). Doesn’t matter, I sit here on Friday morning, paying my bills, and I can’t help but reflect that this was one long week, at least from the point of view of this observer. Relativity in action, folks, look […]

hallowe’en 2013: directed by john hughes

29 Oct

Costumes for kids are still coming together, but the spouse and I got our kit on early for a party last weekend…with a theme: “dress your favorite decade.” We were kind of stumped for a while, though it was kind of a foregone conclusion that we went with different aspects of the 80s; her the […]

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