Archive for the 'movies and tv' Category
friday random elevenish: “they said ‘snow’ on the radio” edition
That title up there kind of says it all about where the hell the mid-Atlantic is right now. As I write this, it hasn’t hit us yet, but I expect we’ll get something; not much, of course (at least to my grew-up-in-the-northeast perspective), but two inches is enough to shut this metropolitan area down. I’m […]
friday random elevenish: “nothing to see here” edition
Con crud is kind of a thing. But I’ll persevere, thanks to rest, sinus meds, and Nyquil. As I said, Marscon was awesome, and the dissonance of coming back into the normal world after living in con world for a couple of days is always challenging, especially when you’re having trouble breathing through your nose. […]
meandering through atypical spiritual practices
My year-end (mostly) Staycation™ came to it’s inevitable end yesterday. The break was actually pretty relaxing, when I consider things. We all decided to make Christmas itself pretty low-key; the end of the year was way to hectic and crazy, with sewing projects and obligations and not as much money as we’d like and such, […]
from beer to beer
This weekend involved lots of different adventures; starting with hauling us and our friends Ted and Jennyfer out to SBC to catch the oldest playing Titania, Queen of the Fairies in the campus production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which was pretty great, actually. Spending the evening with our friends was fun, and we did […]
sunday night reflection, sinus headache edition
As I lie here on my bed, my eldest child’s cat lying asleep next to me (I’m the perennial second choice; she’s currently out with friends) watching another too-short weekend come to a close, I feel kinda hung over (I can’t say I had *nothing* to drink Saturday evening while we sat and watched Veronica […]
pika, stress, etc
First, the good: We had a wonderful time with Detective Pikachu, which was actually quite a lot of fun; in great part due to Ryan Reynolds’ performance as the title character. The story was cute, though the resolution wasn’t exactly not obvious from the get-go. Still quite enjoyable, however, and gorgeous to look at. The […]
friday random elevenish: “ya basic!” edition
Once again, how to sum up a week? I guess it hasn’t been awful; the usual problems (absolutely no movement on the work project schedule, brain chemistry, the state of the planet, constant low-level life stress) are still the usual problems, so I’m just going to leave them go. Beyond that, the week hasn’t been […]