Archive for the 'nostalgia' Category
friday random elevenish – “occupational anxiety” edition
So, last weekend’s Marscon was a reasonably successful endeavor, with us playing a couple of good shows (even if the time slots could’ve been better), the band clicking with a great energy you really want for every show, but know really only hits occasionally. We also had a couple of nice official and unofficial circles, […]
♫ in the year twenty-five twenty-five, if man is still alive ♫
After a couple of five-hundred years’ displaced pop culture references, here’s my “Happy New Year” post. So it’s 2025. The lovely spouse and I stayed up until midnight, barely, chilling with friends (virtually), as another friend did an online New Years’ Eve show via Twitch. We enjoyed ourselves, and that’s really what it was all […]
friday random elevenish: “and another one gone…” edition
This week’s had quite a few ups and downs. Work was amazingly productive, even if there were a few pretty long days after the long weekend. I’ve gotten some encouraging medical news, and making progress in a couple of different areas, even if the side effects of this new pill I’m on are inconvenient. We […]
my demo finally gets it’s shot
Politico had an interesting article up this morning, “Tim Walz and the Birth of the ‘State College Voter’”, about how most Americans with college degrees don’t get them from the big elite universities like those of the Ivy League, but rather from the regional small public universities, like, say, I don’t know, Millersville University (BS […]
Friday random elevenish: “there’s a light” edition
So I haven’t done one of these in a while. I’ve had a rough couple of months. Really busy time at work, some personal health challenges, some communal health challenges (hello, COVID round two!) that killed some much-anticipated plans (goodbye, ConGregate), some puppy growing pains, and a national and global political situation that’s been looking […]
…and another one gone
By the time anyone reads this, I’ll be done working for the year. It’s kind of fitting that the big thing on my agenda for the last day is the try-to-make-it-quarterly touchpoint meeting with my supervisor to talk through the whole work experience thing and make plans for moving forward into 2024. So, having wrapped […]