Archive for the 'nostalgia' Category

hard days

20 Jun

Today, the first Monday after the last day of school, always ends up being a little strange. Mechanically, it’s not all that different. Last nigth, I went to bed before everyone else (which, let’s be honest, I do quite a bit), and I was the first one up (except for the kitten); the house was […]

it’s okay to just have the experience

17 Jun

The last big rock show I went to was Queensryche last month, and although I enjoyed the show a great deal, so much of the audience spent the whole thing standing in the aisles (and in my way, more often than not) watching not the show itself, but the little four or five inch representation […]

friday random ten – “bittersweet june” edition

10 Jun

Happy Friday. Not huge amounts planned for the weekend; usual home stuff (laundry, cooking, etc), farming for some anniverary cakes on Marvel Heroes (I’m not ashamed), staying out of Richmond until the Dumpster fire leaves town, and maybe continue some nostalgic meditation watching old Bob Ross Joy of Painting episodes on Netflix. Also, having some […]

#GirlIGuessI’mWithHer, or “now’s the time for pragmatism”

08 Jun

(title references this article, which I found somewhat relevant) AP stories being premature or not, it’s reasonable after yesterday’s primaries to state that Hillary Clinton will be the nominee for President come next month’s Democratic Party convention in Philadelphia. All signals indicate Sanders will bow out gracefully (after grabbing whatever concessions to his not-insignificant constituency […]

concarolinas – dead dog party

07 Jun

As indicated previously, I spent the weekend doing the music thing with the Humdingers at ConCarolinas this weekend. We had some good, well-attended shows, though we tend to get shunted to the “filk” track at this one, so we never really got the main stage with the awesome sound guys (hey, Keith, John and Gene!) […]

so that captain america news from yesterday…

26 May

For those not in the know, in the current arc of the new Steve Rogers: Captain America comic (which hit comic shops yesterday), it’s been shockingly revealed that …Cap’s been a HYDRA Agent all along!. Thanks to a full-court press by Marvel Executive Editor/Senior VP of Publishing Tom Brevoort, a nice chunk of the mainstream […]

“yesterday felt like” friday random ten

20 May

Nothing truly amazing to report around these parts, other than the fact it was tougher than usual getting up this morning; yesterday, involving as it did a drive back from Northern Virginia after a two day meeting sitting in a conference room talking about combining organizations (which I won’t even be part of, because I’m […]

going to miss rhetoric like this

16 May

…from President Obama’s commencement address at Rutgers on Sunday: Facts, evidence, reason, logic, an understanding of science — these are good things. These are qualities you want in people making policy. These are qualities you want to continue to cultivate in yourselves as citizens. That might seem obvious….We traditionally have valued those things. But if […]

“no. you move.” – a weekend

09 May

As is habit, this is the place where I tell you about some of the stuff I did this weekend; the amount of stuff being not inconsiderable this time around. Friday was relatively low-key. Having some soon-to-expire travel comp time, I made it a half day at work after a busy week of testing, briefing […]

may the fourth etc etc

04 May

Happy Star Wars Day, everyone! I guess this is kind of a appropriate, as I spent the weekend doing sci-fi like things (if not exactly Star Wars things) at Ravencon. We had some pretty good shows that were well-enjoyed by our fans (wow…I have fans? That’s weird), even if I was a little “off” all […]

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