Archive for the 'nostalgia' Category

Herb Trimpe

14 Apr

I found out today that artist Herb Trimpe passed away. Perhaps you’ve not heard the name before, but you’ve probably heard of The Incredible Hulk, who Trimpe worked on for most of the 1970s, establishing many of the character’s iconic elements, Wolverine, a character first drawn by Trimpe (who he also co-created with Len Wein […]

my inner 9 year old just screamed

01 Apr

Like a lot of latchkey Gen-Xers in the 80s, I spent a lot of time with the TV babysitter. The early 80s was also the advent of cable TV, complete with the old style plastic woodgrain channel-changey boxes and all that. In what must have been ’83 or ’84, we had HBO for a while. […]

Slott on Spider-Man in the movies

20 Feb

Spider-Man writer Dan Slott recently did an interview about the Marvel Cinematic Univers, specifically commenting on the recent news about Spider-Man, the character he’s been shepherding since 2008 (and before, if you count the excellent Spider-Man/Human Torch: I’m With Stupid limited series back in ’05). As usual, the guy’s right on about about a lot […]

a name for my affliction

12 Feb

Over at the AV Club today, there’s a great “11 Questions” interview with character actor Titus Welliver, wherein he answers questions about bad jobs, strange advice he’s received, waxes nostalgic about collecting comics and toys, and reveals his opinion (which I share) that Frank Langella was an amazing Skeletor in the 80s live-action adaptation of […]

the web-slinger comes home

10 Feb

As people (including me) have been speculating for months, a press release from Marvel Entertainment yesterday made things official: Spider-Man will join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Looks like it’s a collaborative arrangement, with Sony continuing to produce and finance the Spider-Man films, though in collaboration with Marvel Films, who will help to shape the creative […]

2014 in review

02 Jan

I usually do a “by the numbers” post here, racking up the various numbers by which the year can be measured. Not going to to that this year, largely because my flu shot back in October was complete crap and I’ve been sick my whole Christmas break. My lovely spouse just pointed out that this […]

wrapping up

24 Dec

So, I’ve been done with work for the year since last Wednesday. That’s usually enough to warrant a mention here by itself. Not this year; I’ve been too busy. Now it’s Christmas Eve, I’ve been off for a about a week (wow…doesn’t seem like it), and I’m finally getting a small breather. I’ve been doing […]

up and down

16 Dec

So, this past weekend, stuff happened. Warning: post will contain life. I worked a short week last week, as I will this weekend – it’s the end of the year, and for the first time, accumulated leave, and my inertial habit of not taking all that much during the course of the year (especially when […]

back-channel studio communication and the spider-man situation

15 Dec

If you’ve been following entertainment news at all recently, you’ve probably heard about the Sony Pictures hack that went down recently, allegedly perpetrated by North Korea because of that Seth Rogen/James Franco comedy about tabloid journalists being recruited to assasinate Kim Jong-Un. Whether that suspicion is true or not (I don’t know), the world learned […]

no pants weekend

24 Nov

So, as I mentioned previously, a little while back, I bought a kilt. Since then, I’ve been looking for excuses to wear it. I’ve done the local Celtic Festival and the ladies’ Irish dance competition, and got many positive comments. Based on the enthusiastic encouragement of some friends, I went unbifurcated to this weekend’s Virginia […]

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