Archive for the 'nostalgia' Category

music as memory, episode ∞

24 Jul

I’ve no idea why, but the depression’s hitting really hard over the last week. Usually, I can find some sort of historical event in the calendar that pulls this stuff up, though I can’t this time; I guess I forgot to write it down or I’ve blocked it from my memory. In any case, I’ve […]

friday random elevenish: “fifty-one point seven” edition

12 May

So yes, I was *on* all week, due to the off-site (at my former office a little north of here) program management workshop Tuesday through Thursday, which involved backing up my boss’s never-ending energy with technical expertise and rapid-fire abilities to yank obscure documentation out of the aether at her word. Plus, I had to […]

friday random elevenish “balanced break?” edition

31 Mar

So, last weekend was a nice diversion, getting to play some shows with my friends down in Durham. I thought we sounded pretty good, though it’d have been nice if more folks had come to the shows. This one wasn’t really a big music event, though double-digits would’ve been nice. The Saturday show, though, did […]


12 Dec

I haven’t heard this song in more than 35 years, but when my friend Chris mentioned it on social media and I saw said mention this morning, I heard it all before clicking play. You did too; admit it. Got some stuff done this weekend. Took off early on Friday and hit IKEA for present […]

friday random elevenish: “the morning after” edition

09 Dec

So, I thought last night’s show went pretty well. I thought I sounded pretty good; sold few CDs and pulled in some tips in addition to my fee, and, probably most important to the venue, brought in some friends who ordered lots of food and beverages. The staff (who I generally get along with anyway) […]

friday random elevenish: “…but I repeat myself edition” edition

28 Oct

For the last couple of months, our program management center leadership team has been working on establishing more codified processes to get requirements properly managed, documented, and satisfied. Before we started this, there frankly wasn’t much of a process, which kind of pisses off auditors when they come in to look at things. So, this […]

friday random elevenish: “soulful sinuses” edition

21 Oct

This week, honestly, just kinda happened. I mean, I was there, and did some stuff, but the actual occurrences are just a blur of meetings, hikes, headaches, and ’80s movies. We did have our first frost of the season this week, and with that a new slate of mold and spore and plant particulate, leading […]

friday random elevenish: “spinning webs of bs” edition

07 Oct

I could say that I wish the last week was more exciting and eventful, but I really don’t want to . I’ve made steady progress in some important areas, didn’t encounter any serious problems, had a bill or two come in a bit lower than expected, had my bar tab covered the other night by […]

friday random elevenish: “worst. birthday. present. ever.” edition

26 Aug

So, on Tuesday, I turned 48 years old. As I spend most of my time in this space lately (and in conversation with others, and in songwriting, etc…) ruminating about what middle-age feels like, I’ll leave it for now, and focus on the “gift” I received this year. A positive COVID-19 test result. I dodged […]

friday random elevenish: “space viking” edition

08 Jul

Another week mostly in the books. Apart from recording my virtual Dragoncon set (and catching up with my friend running things) on Wednesday night, it was mostly just work, sinus drainage, bills, and exercise. The lovely spouse and I did make a late night of it on Thursday heading out to the Drive-In to catch […]

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