Archive for the 'nostalgia' Category
Ravencon 2013
These convention post-ops to tend to be rather repetitive; I get to hang out with my convention friends, listen to great music, discover new things to play and read, and generally have good time in the world of geeky hobbies and media. This weekend’s RavenCon was not an exception to this pattern. I came into […]
interesting comic book times
It’s an interesting time to be a comics fan, friends. Check out these recently posted over at images (and some video) over at io9 relating to Marvel’s “Phase Two” slate of films, starting with Iron Man 3 next month. There’s stuff from Thor: Dark World, Captain America: Winter Soldier, a couple of shots of the […]
neon hypercolored memories
I started “reading” (well, listening to Wil Wheaton performing the text of) Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One this week. I’m only a handful of discs in, but I’m really enjoying it. It’s pretty much pure, condensed nostalgia – aimed pretty much dead center at the culture of my childhood (the pop culture of the 1980s […]
we used to be friends
Other than the pope business, the big news in my corner of the internet yesterday was Rob “not the Matchbox 20 guy” Thomas’s Kickstarter to fund a Veronica Mars movie project. That this is even kind of a possibility is great news, because I loved me some Veronica Mars. In spite of it’s occasional flaws*, […]
proof that music was best when you were thirteen
A while back, I posted this cartoon from Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal largely without comment: I posted it because it encapsulated a certain truth regarding the nature of pop music and nostalgia. A truth that I found was more or less borne out in the contents of this list at Buzzfeed making the case that […]
“…friendly, courteous, kind…”
I’ve been following with some interest the recent news regarding the Boy Scouts of America’s overtures over the last week or so regarding it’s consideration of lifting it’s ban on gay Scouts and Leaders. I’m encouraged, yet a little surprised, given that as recently as last year, they publically doubled down on the national organization’s […]
Marscon 2013: Rebirth
This past weekend, we kicked off our Con season with attendance at Marscon in Williamsburg. This is our third year at this particular Con, and it competes pretty handily with Ravencon as our “home” convention. For me, anyway, the experiences are somewhat similar, because I see a lot of the same friends at both, given […]