Archive for the 'nostalgia' Category

there’s a problem with the pumpkins

31 Oct

For reasons that still kind of elude me, this weekend involved cramming more stuff into 72 hours or so than is really possible or advisable, but a lot of it was quite a bit of fun. Still, I’m finding myself dragging a bit, largely due to sleep deficit and a few aches and pains as […]

cutout xxi: thrift shop treasures and an extra bonus review

24 Oct

Took the opportunity in the last week to swap some new discs into my car box, ushering in a new population to revisit and review. Some good stuff here, again, largely a cross-section of the 90s, when I was a loyal member of the BMG record club and bought lots of things I might not […]

friday random ten: “falcon punch” edition

21 Oct

It’s turning into one of those lazy sort of Fridays, where I’m getting a few things done, but really don’t have much ambition about it. The rest of the weekend, other than running a few kids a few places, is looking pretty much the same. I can live with that. Incidentally, I woke up with […]

cutout xx: the enduring power of punk and quirk

19 Oct

For this, the twentieth(!) edition of this little series of mine, I take on a couple of punk-inspired records and the entire bill of the last concert I attended. Enjoy, or not. Doesn’t bother me any. ♦The Ramones – Halfway to Sanity: I remember the Ramones always being there in the deep background growing up […]

my lawn. get off it.

12 Oct

at least give me the chance to get the shot

11 Oct

‘Twas a long weekend for me thanks to the Columbus day holiday and my usual Fridays off. Didn’t accomplish much, unfortunately, as I got sidetracked about halfway through last week with something strongly resembling the flu or thereabouts, which I still haven’t totally shaken. That said, I spent quite a lot of the last four […]

cut out xix: shepherding black sheep through texas

11 Oct

A couple of visits to the Lone Star State this time around, representing my slightly less-awkward alt-country phase, a latter day disc from a new favorite, and an underappreciated aberration from a vast, critically praised catalog that I still quite like a lot. Enough explanation? ♦- Dixie Chicks – Taking The Long Way: This record […]

sad mac

06 Oct

Woke up this morning to the news that Steve Jobs had passed. Wherever you stood on the Mac vs. PC spectrum, the fact that you’re standing on that spectrum at all is largely due to the work of a couple of Steves (this one and Woz) in a garage in Cupertino. I haven’t used Apple […]

cutout xviii – defining eras and the live experience

24 Sep

This edition hit some interesting notes – two of these records, it turns out, end up defining particular eras in my lifetime, even if I didn’t realize it. The others are just really cool records. Also, I this is another one of those mixes where I’ve all the artists live a lot, which to me […]

they’ve reached their destination, but I wish it was still a ways away

21 Sep

In between bouts of wrangling paperwork today, I noticed several mentions on twitter that R.E.M. has ended its run. For me, this is a sad and surprising development, but at the same time, it kind of feels natural. The last two records aside (Accelerate and Collapse Into Now are both VERY GOOD), R.E.M. has been […]

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