Archive for the 'nostalgia' Category

couldn’t they have sprung for Kiss’ “God of Thunder”…

16 May

…or, you know, “Thunderstruck” by AC/DC? I mean, there’s the whole Iron Man II precedent and everything! The Foo Fighters under the credits didn’t quite cut it for me. As you might have guessed, I finally got around to seeing Thor this weekend. And unsurprisingly, I really, really liked it. It was easily the most […]

It came from the cutout racks

10 May

Located against the wall below a window in my home office/computer room, is a very large green trunk. This trunk contains a unique view into my personal history, as it holds within it the vast majority of my music collection, from the yellowing fold out labels of the first cassettes I ever bought with my […]

continuing the requiem for lost youth

27 Apr

deadmalls dot com. Remember, in the flurry of youth, when the mall was someplace you actually wanted to go to? Seems no one else can either. Intellectually, I can remember twice weekly worship sessions at these air-conditioned, brown-and-orange tiled temples of commerce attended by roving bands of Aqua-Netted, denim clad youth, but I can’t remember […]

so old, I’m off the chart

27 Apr

Today’s xkcd is just really rubbing our faces in it now by pointing out the theatrical release of The Little Mermaid is chronologically closer to the original moon landings than it is to the present day. I don’t even want to contemplate The Goonies right now.

we are indeed trend-setters

23 Apr

Dads are the original hipsters. My dad used to own a baseball tee with a screen printed unicorn on it, and wore it with with total confidence in his masculinity. Beat that!

Not askin’ for answers or reasons

05 Apr

As a person passes into middle age, it is only logical and natural that they begin to spend time examining their past; after all, there’s so much of it that keeps piling up. For me personally, this involves a lot of examination of formative influences and circumstances that contributed to the person I am today. […]

because it’s really nerdy, that’s why

14 Mar

A couple of discussion points within the geek milieu that I’ve run into in the last couple of days: ♦ – Kill a few minutes by playing URL Hunter, an experimental game played entirely in your browser’s address bar. ♦ – Stan Lee finally puts to rest the “superhero secret” from Mallrats. His answer is […]

makes perfect sense, twenty-odd years later

19 Feb

Quoth on facebook (hock, ptooie!) a person I dated once upon a time many, many moons ago: “Maybe If I was drunk I’d understand ‘Scott Pilgrim vs. The World’” Which spurred the following thought in my head: Well, that’s why things between us went the way they did… A mystery I never thought much about, […]

weekend felt long

14 Feb

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone. While I’ve already delivered my personal greetings personally, since it’s the day anyway, and since I’m here and all, I’ll offer more public greetings to my lovely wife, who, if I’m doing the math right, I shared what might constitute a first unofficial “date” with 18 years ago tomorrow. That fact […]

“For my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom is as great. You have no power over me.”

01 Feb

Dana Milbank at the Washington Post had a brilliant, beautiful idea the other day, that I thought I ought to share here. Starting today, February 1, 2010, Milbank has vowed to, for at least one month, not mention a certain public figure, and encouraging everyone else to do so, in the hope that by the […]

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