Archive for the 'nostalgia' Category

where were you when…

28 Jan

Folks a little older than me have Lennon’s murder (I was six, living with a family that wasn’t necessarily plugged into that area of pop culture, so I don’t remember that at all), but for me, the definitive “where were you when” question happened 25 years ago today. On January 28, 1986, The space shuttle […]

the year that was, part two

31 Dec

So, summing up the year; not bad overall. In terms of life, things got better, in terms of general health and welfare. I’ll take it. Of course, typing this up as I’m feeling sick as a dog, it doesn’t shine as brightly as it probably could, but if I could push aside the haze of […]

I’m calling it a victory

13 Nov

The new desktop PC arrived in the arms of the cheerful FedEx guy on Thursday afternoon. I’ve been playing with it a little bit, trying to get it to my liking…most specifically, getting a comfortable dual-boot environment going between Windows 7 (for games) and Ubuntu Linux (for just about everything else). After several hours worth […]

totally random musings

25 Oct

Just some stuff rattling around in my head; with only a few re-runs from the twitter feed: ♦ – As strange as it sounds, I am coming to believe that LEGO Rock Band is a better game than Rock Band 2. ♦ – My new favorite Southern Colloquial expression is definitely “getting down to the […]

responding to the “suck fairy”

29 Sep

Jo Walton over at tor dot com touches on a phenomenon that I’m sure a lot of us have experienced over the years in her piece about “The Suck Fairy”: that little fey beastie who invades our bookshelves, making certain books we loved when we first read them, well, “suck,” when we pick them up […]

friday random ten: “realization” edition

24 Sep

Some may have noticed that I haven’t been posting as often lately. After some thought, I’ve come to the realization that I’ve been very purposely *not* talking about one particular thing, and saying very little at all is the best way to do that. Now you’re curious, aren’t you? “Brown Eyes” – Lady GaGa “Heavy […]

I wish…

07 Aug

…I was brave enough, or enlightened enough to come up with something like this when I was in this kid’s position, rather than the by-the-numbers crap ‘n platitudes speech I did end up giving. Outside of a little bit of tone that only a terribly bright eighteen year-old who hasn’t seen much of the world […]

friday random ten: “a little too firm” edition

06 Aug

Not the greatest week in terms of rest. This week’s hotel bed was so firm and unyielding that had I not actually yanked the sheets to check, I would have sworn the mattress was a box spring. Here’s hoping for some improvement next week. “Gardening at Night” – R.E.M “Here Comes the Fool You Wanted” […]

stuff I like a lot: Out In The Silence

03 Aug

Earlier this week, through the magic of fark, my attention was drawn to an article in the Harrisburg Patriot-News (which, at one point in my life, might have been considered my “hometown” paper) about protests at a Potter County PA library over the screening of a documentary dealing with the gay experience in rural America […]

is it real, or is it memorexy?

03 Aug

According to this article, one in five people have vivid memories of things that never actually happened, and those false memories are just as instrumental in defining who a person is as real ones. Makes you wonder about pretty much everything, doesn’t it? Also, it potentially explains a lot about how we view the world […]

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