Archive for the 'nostalgia' Category

friday random elevenish: “lighter and heavier” edition

23 Jul

The work week itself has been exceedingly dull. Other than chasing around one of the data trading partners’ sending of a bunch of duplicate transactions and checking on the status of the few remaining FY21 requirement acquisitions, there’s not been a lot, because, as I said, my pile is largely worked through, and everyone else […]

“but what is grief, if not love persevering?”

23 Mar

It always hits me hard today, though I always get through it. That said, I’ll be taking some time to think and remember, because that’s what we do. I take the lessons to heart, both obvious and implicit. Also, he would have totally dug the source of this post’s title. Cheers, Dad. You deserve a […]

after the rain

16 Mar

I’m a little frustrated with the weather this week. Well, I’m frustrated with a bunch of things, really, especially at work, as I work to navigate a process that isn’t a process in the current “official” job, and deal with system partners who won’t listen to truths they don’t like in the “old” job that […]

couple of times short of one hundred

08 Mar

I was, on the whole, actually pretty happy with the weekend, even if I didn’t quite hit a couple of interesting milestones. As if I don’t have enough deadlines and due dates thanks to my career as a public sector bureaucrat, I find myself forever setting other arbitrary lines to cross in my non-work life […]

friday random elevenish: “surprise new record” edition

05 Mar

Warning: contains promotional content! It has been, as they say, another week. And, looking back, a hell of a year. This time last year, things were just starting to get weird as the first cases of COVID-19 started popping up around these parts, leading to, well…you know. With the vaccines starting to work their way […]

virtually mars

19 Jan

Given current circumstances, as mentioned previously, Marscon didn’t happen as scheduled in person in Williamsburg this year, but a bunch of regulars stepped up to help create a virtual experience for those of us missing our chosen family of misfits. In the form of a bunch of online meetups, streaming video, and all the other […]

friday random elevenish: “so, anything happen this week?” edition

15 Jan

So, given the last ten days or so in Washington, we’re in all kinds of uncharted territory. While the former civics/history teacher in me is fascinated, the concerned citizen in me is, well, concerned, and not in a Susan Collins way. While I am absolutely in favor of impeachment here, because there have to be […]

friday thursday random elevenish: “wrapping up work” edition

17 Dec

Today is my last scheduled day of work for 2020. I’ve tied up everything I need to apart from one email response from one individual, who’s reply need only consist of “thumbs up*” for me to close the book on this particular item and feel like I’m keeping the project on track. Also, my body […]

friday random elevenish: “i bought a headache” edition

20 Nov

Indeed, a week. As briefly teased in earlier dispatches, I’ve spent a large part of the week dealing with petty bureaucrats and their petty power-trips. It has, for the large part, sucked, though after working with some dare-i-say “allies” within the organization, I unleashed a little bit of bureaucratic jujitsu of my own, and have […]

friday random elevenish – “you take it on faith, you take it to the heart” edition

06 Nov

Like I said yesterday, we’re going to be waiting a little bit for this one, but from where I’m sitting, things looks to be breaking our way. All it’s going to take is time. It’s the same way we get through any week, really, and this week’s been a long one for other reasons as […]

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