Archive for the 'nostalgia' Category

friday random elevenish: “multiple eras, multiple saviors” edition

23 Oct

Another Friday reached. Another week behind me. All told, this one’s been a little less stressful than the last few. Sure, there’ve been headaches and roadblocks (one of the backbone financial systems supporting multiple agencies has been choking all week, preventing me from getting important requirements funded, and more importantly, keeping many people from submitting […]


07 Oct

While I was logging my trail miles over to your left last night, my wordpress install pointed out to me that since I started using the platform to run this ‘blog back in 2007, I’d written 1,999 posts. My first thought for the 2k milestone was some kind of retrospective something, but honestly the world […]

friday random elevenish: “bad news” edition

18 Sep

Best thing I can say about this week is that it’s basically over. This whole week I’ve been struggling with respiratory/allergy issues, and given the Current State of Things ™, I’ve of course been worried that it’s the dreaded ‘Rona, even if the symptoms don’t at all match up to those reported. Mostly, I’ve just […]

friday random elevenish: “unconventional” edition

28 Aug

Not much to say about the week, really. Accomplished a few things, encountered more than a few frustrations, pressed on through it all because I’m a goddamn professional, and, as it appears will come to pass as I write this, will make it through to the end mostly unscathed. Did most of it through the […]

30 miles, plus another 240 and change

10 Aug

A big chunk of my weekend involved actually getting some miles under me, and took me, for the first time in a few months, out of my typical 25 mile radius of my living room. It was, at least, novel, even if it consisted primarily of pandemic theater, manual labor, and a sore ass. Addressing […]

friday random elevenish: “personal progress in the face of apocalyptic thinking offers no solace” edition

10 Jul

Remember, back an eternity ago (but actually only about 48 hours, since this is how the world works now) when I mentioned that the bubble wrap was better than the weeping and irritability? Yeah, that didn’t last long. Wednesday (and most of Thursday as I start writing this missive) were emotionally rough, for no particularly […]

shared cultural touchstones

29 Jun

The lovely spouse and I took a quick ride yesterday to get out of the house and hit some Pokemon Go/Wizards Unite spots, and along the way, we stopped at one of the many local WaWa convenience stores to top of the gas tank (with life as it is, I’m on the “once every two […]

art activism: a compararative study

24 Jun

The last post about how nothing ever really happens in day-to-day life due to the pandemic isn’t entirely true. Today, I live just a few miles away from one of the symbolic centers of the BLM movement, which is actually pretty damned inspiring, and has, perhaps accidentally, become a piece of art transcending it’s original […]

peter criss is the mvp, hashtag cat puns

08 Jun

This weekend was short, above all. Ugh. Biked both days (and discovered baby bunnies again this year at the usual part of the trail), got some excellent produce at the farmer’s market (which supported a pretty good roasted chicken and some excellent asian stir fry), returned some library books (now that they let us do […]

friday random elevenish: “craving a ham sandwich” edition

29 May

Woke up really damned early this morning; sleep wouldn’t take. So I logged onto the work VPN around 4am; my work day will be over by noon, which I guess is a silver lining on the situation. Not like there’s going to be much to work on in any case; I spent yesterday afternoon lining […]

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