Archive for the 'political' Category
be the change – vote
As I do every year, because it’s really, really important, I am posting this friendly reminder to all of you out there to get out and vote, because that’s what responsible people do. Sure the big show is next year, but that doesn’t mean that these off-year elections aren’t important; in fact, they are very […]
friday random elevenish – “well then” edition
Still fighting this stupid flu bug/cold. Ugh. Every time I think I’m coming around the back side of it, my head slams shut again. As a result, this week’s sort of just floated by, a life of knocking out documents, sleeping, and popping figurative popcorn while watching political theater in the information age. As I […]
interesting times
So, Wednesday was a big deal politically in a couple of places. Big news in Britain as their Supreme Court tells Johnson his suspension of Parliament isn’t going to happen, and Brexit looks on the way to being rebaselined again, almost as many times as the “modernization” project I’m part of around these parts. I’m […]
bitches and beer…a political post
It is, as they say, the political season. Sure, it’s about six months until the first primary votes get cast/caucused, but, being who I am and having the interests I do, I’ve been paying lots of attention, consuming news and analysis, reading books written by a few of the more interesting democratic candidates, and tossing […]
me too, justice holmes
In my usual scanning of the headlines and news aggregators today, my attention was drawn to a story from the land of my youth, Northeastern Pennsylvania (reported by venerable and often delightfully quirky and local WNEP) about schools in Luzerne County threatening to call CPS/Foster care on families with overdue lunch money bills. As comments […]
week late debate reflections
I actually feel kind of like a bad citizen and participant in democracy for not actually watching the two-evening Democratic primary debate live last week. That said, I did catch the highlights and have read endless commentary and analysis, which while i know isn’t the ideal, it’s the situation I found myself in and better […]
friday random elevenish: “varied stuff and things” edition
Relatively uneventful week for my part; solved some smaller problems at work for folks, hiked more than a few miles at local parks and in my building while on conference calls, jumped into Harry Potter: Wizards Unite! with so many other friends have (review so far – it’s got some neat mechanics, but overall, after […]