Archive for the 'political' Category

social justice bard

30 May

So, along with the other stuff I’m doing these days, I finally got myself a proper bio on the Social Justice Bards web site, since I’ve been part of that crew for a while now (even if I don’t stream…yet). I’m in good company, what with Metricula, David Tyberg, Cacophonie, Rhiannon’s Lark, Wanda Hayward, and […]

mid-week celebration of appreciation

22 May

It is Wednesday, and I’ve been busy enough that I haven’t managed to check in on this space as I usually like to do, so I’m doing that now. The office, with a few exceptions (which I’ll get to eventually), has been pretty slow this week, figuring in some big senior leadership meetings in Ohio […]

early, but wading in

07 May

The first primaries are ten months away. There are, as I write this, TWENTY-TWO contenders currently declared as running for the Democratic party nomination for 2020, with, seemingly, more jumping in every day. Debates start at the end of June, and there are so many qualified folks that the first one has to be carried […]

history getting made

04 Mar

Like a lot of the country, I spent some time last Wednesday listening into, and following commentary and analysis afterward of, Michael Cohen’s congressional testimony to the House Oversight and Reform Committee, regarding his work as the President’s personal lawyer. Like a lot of Congressional tesimony, there was just as much grandstanding and posturing by […]

friday random elevenish: “indifference, weather panic, music and neutering” edition

11 Jan

Overall, this week, in spite of it’s perceived length, hasn’t been awful, at least for me. Yes, huge swaths the federal government is still shut down over temper tantrums, I spent most of Thursday bundled up in my coat and scarf in my office because the heat is really wonky, and the mid-atlantic is panicking […]

bureaucratic talking shutdown blues

10 Jan

This is going to be the longest one in history. No question. As long as stuff like this happens, it’s going to go on. the federal workers’ scuttlebut is that we should gird our loins for a long one. You all know my political leanings. You all also know, more or less, where I work. […]

friday random elevenish: “I’m trying” edition

04 Jan

So. Yeah. Given the ennui bomb I dropped in the last post, I kind of set the tone for my first (albeit short) week back at the office. Yesterday was, in spite of some generally good news from the program (problems fixed in my absence, potential schedule shift giving me an extra eight weeks or […]

friday random elevenish: “clockwatching away on the last day of my year” edition

14 Dec

Today is the last official* day of my work year, and I’m counting the minutes, as the watermarked stock photo image above suggests. I haven’t taken that much time off in 2018, and given my level of seniority and the kind of leave I earn, the concept of “use-or-lose” comes into play, so I have […]

quick check in…

04 Dec

I’ve been pretty busy this week so far. At work, it’s lots of meetings, testing, decision-making, and setting things up so I can disappear for two and a half weeks’ holiday break starting in eight working days (since tomorrow is the “National day of Mourning for President Bush*, and thus a federal holiday in practice). […]

the morning after…

07 Nov

Although he didn’t win down in Texas (though it was close; if actual human Ted Cruz is capable of sweating, I’m sure he did last night), Beto O’Rourke is “So Fucking Proud Of You Guys”; and, honestly, so am I (and I don’t have to worry about sending control rooms scrambling for the beep button […]

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