Archive for the 'political' Category
thursday/friday random eleven – “hoggoth, cyttorak, watoomb” edition
Once again, I’m taking a long weekend (use-or-lose leave, planned gig didn’t work out), so I’m tossing this out there on Thursday again, because while I may be on a computer, I don’t want to feel like I *have* to be on a computer, even though these are totally arbitrary self-imposed obligations, but whatever. Other […]
when you’re having fun, we’re having fun
‘Twas a long weekend, but it was a good one. As detailed previously, I had a pretty full weekend booked, beginning with a trip down to NC on Friday for the gig at HonorCon. Traffic, thanks to construction, accidents, and certain late-model Dodge Chargers and Subaru WRX STIs driving like assholes down I-85 (you know […]
autumn has grabbed us by the….
Here’s a kind of disjointed “state of Chuck’s life” post. Enjoy. It’s always tough to come back to work after a long weekend, especially when I have to look forward to a giant dog-and-pony show (where I get to spend the majority of the time as ringmaster) up in Northern Virginia later this week. That’ll […]
friday random eleven – “can’t sleep, clown will eat me” edition
Though the clown business hit my neighborhood last week (including an unsubstantiated report from my kids’ school), this is the week when things went national, with stories on NPR this morning, all kinds of offical statements from schools and law enforcement, and a (probably bored) reporter raising question of the clown epidemic at a
another near miss for me
So, yesterday President Obama came to visit my workplace. I totally missed him. The closest I got was waiting a few minutes longer at the gate in the morning, and standing out in the parking lot with the guys from the building next store looking in the general direction of the helipad as Marine One […]
friday random ten: “maybe half a trainwreck” edition
If you’d been paying attention to my goings on this week, you probably caught a mixture of hair-tearing stress and affectionate Tim Kaine dad jokes. Work’s been interesting, if non-conclusive lately; the agency re-org is slowly proceeding, and I think I may have an actual idea of where I’m eventually going to land; I’ve always […]
reacting to the news after coming out of a nearly 72-hour migraine induced fog
I indicated briefly on Friday that I had what I thought was a migraine brewing. As I kind of expected, it swung into full-on head pain/fog/hangover without the benefit of alcohol/oh-my-god-i-feel-like-crap-for-days by the end of the workday. It really got going on the drive home, where I had to pull over and vomit half-way through […]