Archive for the 'political' Category

sometimes, it’s just embarassing.

06 Aug

This is one of those times. Like Arizona, Virginia is just too damned pretty to be this damned ugly. True, this is not quite as bad as the AZ law just yet, but this is Cuccinelli we’re talking about here, who’s made his time as Attorney General all about discrimination and Obama bothering rather than […]

stuff I like a lot: Out In The Silence

03 Aug

Earlier this week, through the magic of fark, my attention was drawn to an article in the Harrisburg Patriot-News (which, at one point in my life, might have been considered my “hometown” paper) about protests at a Potter County PA library over the screening of a documentary dealing with the gay experience in rural America […]

apparently part two in a series

21 Jun

This whole Gulf oil spill business is becoming a series of misattributions. A little while ago, I made mention of the fact that a lot of people looking for someone to blame for this disaster are blaming the good people of England instead of BP, who, through negligence toward safety and good craftsmanship, got this […]

would they prefer President Camacho?

18 Jun

The general consensus, as reported by America’s media outlets, is that President Obama’s speech regarding the Gulf oil spill was “boring.” I missed the broadcast, though I read a transcript, and I wasn’t particularly impressed; while there was some good information there, it didn’t hit the mark for me. I was upset that the call […]

a case of misdirected blame

10 Jun

Like everyone else in the world, I’ve been following the gulf oil spill story with interest. The whole business is unfortunate and generally terrible; it’s effect will likely be immeasurable; it’s already pretty much trashed the entire gulf coast regional economy, and it’ll take decades for the environment to recover, assuming it ever does completely. […]

from the department of obviousness studies

27 May

Per a study at the University of Montreal, “macho” men are dangerous drivers, in comparison to their less-“masculine” gender counterparts, at least in terms of taking unnecessary risks behind the wheel. While I have a few questions about the study (for example – the use of a “driving simulator” – i.e. “video game” – is […]

this week’s brush with culture

12 May

Tuesday evening, after a work day that was stressful for all kinds of reasons that had little to do with the actual job at hand (though the triggering event came upon me too quickly to get nervous about), I shook off the resulting adrenaline rush with a few hours of literary shoulder-rubbing and political commentary […]

what he said

04 May

I really wish I could write as well as Slacktivist.

ihre papiere, bitte

28 Apr

Arizona is really too pretty a place to be this wrong. Between the immigration law, Sherriff Joe, closing state parks, and the whole MLK day thing way back when, I kind of feel bad, because I really liked Flagstaff and points north. Really, nobody in this country should hear “papers please” from anyone, unless it’s […]

the whys of the helicopter

22 Apr

A while back, I talked a little bit about the concept of helicopter parenting, and why I reject the concept as ill-advised, and generally not at all good for kids’ development. What concerns me today isn’t the concept itself, but how it came about. Once again, I shall point to Lenore Skenazy over at free-range […]

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