Archive for the 'political' Category


18 Nov

I guess it must be a slow news day, since the Chicago Tribune is running a story about the teenager who bought a used car that once belonged to President-Elect Barack Obama. What sort of elitist automobile was it? A 2000 Dodge Neon. Think about it; three years ago, the guy who will be President […]


05 Nov

Happy, Happy! Joy, Joy! So, with the 11pm poll closings on the west coast, Obama took it over the magic number, 270, and thus, will become the 44th President of the United States. Yep, a historical milestone, and a genuinely good guy taking the reins for the next four years. I’m glad I was around […]

election central: my living room

04 Nov

As I type this, it’s ten minutes until the polls close in VA; we’re settled in for the evening, in our own little election central command center: A couch, two computers, the TV, snacks, and margaritas. We live for this stuff. The kids are up, too – not drinking margaritas, but are watching things, and […]

chuck’s official endorsement, pre-election day appeal post

03 Nov

Anybody who’s a regular reader of this web site (or a casual reader who looks to the upper left corner) shouldn’t have much doubt about who I’m supporting in tomorrow’s election. However, in order to set the record completely straight, I support Senator Barack Obama for President, and I think you should as well. As […]

neil liked my t-shirt

27 Sep

We woke early this morning (even earlier than I wanted to, thanks to Catherine) to trek up to DC for the National Book Festival on the Mall in D.C., most specifically, to catch a reading and signing by one of our favorite authors, Neil Gaiman, who was just one of a ton of authors out […]

Still a good assessment, 16 years later

15 Sep

It took the kids less than a week to bring back some sort of flu-resembling virii which had me sidelined most of the weekend. I spent Saturday and Sunday resting in order to conserve my strength and let my body repair itself. Two solid days, mostly crashed on the couch with the baby (who was […]

beach footwear in Alaska

04 Sep

The other day, after the most lurid of the scandals surrounding Governor Palin hit the news, I got most of the way through writing what I hoped would be a really clever piece about how if the Governor is so adamant about protecting her daughter’s privacy, she probably ought not have accepted McCain’s offer in […]

Friday Random Fourteen – “small crack in my cynicism ” edition

29 Aug

Fourteen because I felt like it, and possibly because I was a little distracted from the historical significance, and well, the sheer awesomeness of the speech (here’s video if you don’t feel like reading) last night. I’m pretty sure it was worth keeping the eldest up for, even if she was more interested in seeing […]

speaking of…

26 Aug

From my hotel this week, I have an excellent view of all the active runways at National Airport. And the Amtrak line. And the metro. And the G-W Parkway. And some sailboats and stuff on the Potomac. It’d be like big vehicle heaven if I were a five year old boy; it’s still pretty cool […]

Friday Random Ten: “reloaded” edition

22 Aug

Here’s this morning’s playlist from the almost completely refilled 4Gb Sansa; A few familiar faces, but a bunch of new stuff into the mix, which is always welcome: “Close to Me” – The Cure “Our House” – Madness “I Still Pray” – Kasey Chambers w. Paul Kelly “It’s No Good” – Depesche Mode “Cyberpunks are […]

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