Archive for the 'political' Category

this is going to go well…

18 Jan

This weekend, amidst the snow storm that (at least around these parts) was much ado about nothing, my adopted home inaugurated a new Governor, Republican Glenn Youngkin, one of those “business” guys certain people like so much, because success in one area inevitably guarantees success in another, right? As one would expect, the inaugural address […]

omicron delta

30 Nov

While I was taking my leave of the online world this weekend, another ‘rona variant arrived on the scene, designated Omicron (o), which a much scarier sounding greek letter than Delta (δ), even if we don’t know much of anything about it and it’s actual impact just yet. As for what I’m doing about it, […]

friday random elevenish: “what happens if you throw a meeting and nobody shows?” edition

19 Nov

This week, apart from that thing I mentioned yesterday, has been pretty bog-standard. It’s been colder around here, so it’s been a little more hiking rather than biking, both because of the temperatures and a general malaise and sinus pressure that comes along with it. Work’s been more of the same, with the addition of […]

friday random elevenish: “remember, remember” edition

05 Nov

The whole idea of blowing up a legislative body right now is (figuratively, of course) maybe a little more attractive to me than it probably should be. Apart from the current shenanigans around BIF/BBB (some of which might actually get a vote today? maybe?) which almost certainly played a small part* in the less-than-preferable election […]

annual reminder – vote

02 Nov

Listen to Liz, folks! It’s election day, everyone – get yourself out there and vote. Unless you’re here in Virginia (where election coverage is never-ending) or New Jersey, you likely have a slate of local offices on the ballot, but those are terribly important; those folks – school board members, county commissioners, etc – are […]

friday random elevenish: “exhausting drama” edition

08 Oct

In addition to all kinds of excessive drama I’m not really getting into except to say that it’s very tiring, the regular stuff I tend to deal with has been particularly mentally exhausting. I’ve got a ton of work projects in various states of done; waiting for input from others or for continuing resolutions to […]

friday random elevenish: “severely overbooked” edition

24 Sep

So, didn’t love this week at all, apart from a couple of very brief bursts of seratonin. For the most part, thanks to allergies, that muscle pull from last week, garbage weather, long work days, and unexpected adventures in busted ignition switches, tow trucks, and navigating warranty conditions, I spent a lot of the week […]

Never get involved in a land war in Asia

17 Aug

Excuse me while I dust off my history degree for a moment… No one’s ever successfully done it. The British tried it three times between 1838 and 1919. The Soviets tried three times between 1929 and 1979. The United States’ attempt starting in 2001 that’s currently ending is going about as well. The only winning […]

election reflection, june 2021 edition

10 Jun

My home state, the Commonwealth of Virginia, marches to it’s own beat when it comes to statewide offices in Richmond. A rhythm that’s one count off from pretty much everywhere but New Jersey. Our elections for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General fall on the odd year right after national Presidential elections, unlike pretty much […]

gonna stick with it a while longer

14 May

As you’re probably aware, the news dropped yesterday from the CDC that those of us among the vaccinated can ditch the mask in most situations. In the scheme of things, this is good news, though to be honest, this last year has done a lot to raise my level of caution in a lot of […]

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