Archive for the 'political' Category

friday random elevenish: “not throwin’ away my…” edition

02 Apr

Another Friday, another long week. A week full of sinus pressure, problematic bureaucracy, and senior executive briefings, framed by crappy weather that kept me off the bike most of the week. However, it’s Friday, and at this point, it’s looking like it’ll be a quiet one. I’ve moved my projects along to the point where […]

friday random elevenish: “new (big effing) deal” edition

12 Mar

As we make note of the fact that it’s been a year since we’ve officially been using the term “pandemic” to describe the overall condition of the world, we mourn the loss of over half a million of our fellows, lament the denied opportunities for social interaction and live artistic performance and exhibition, and just, […]

the good kind of history – reflections on the inauguration

21 Jan

How refreshing is it to have a President in the habit of saying “We…” rather than “I…” again? -me, on social media during Biden’s Inaugural Address It felt good to set work aside for a bit yesterday at lunchtime and pull the Presidential Inauguration up on the screen, for a lot of reasons, but largely, […]

virtually mars

19 Jan

Given current circumstances, as mentioned previously, Marscon didn’t happen as scheduled in person in Williamsburg this year, but a bunch of regulars stepped up to help create a virtual experience for those of us missing our chosen family of misfits. In the form of a bunch of online meetups, streaming video, and all the other […]

friday random elevenish: “so, anything happen this week?” edition

15 Jan

So, given the last ten days or so in Washington, we’re in all kinds of uncharted territory. While the former civics/history teacher in me is fascinated, the concerned citizen in me is, well, concerned, and not in a Susan Collins way. While I am absolutely in favor of impeachment here, because there have to be […]

gonna take a stand

11 Jan

You know, I’m all for the idea of “common ground” and “cooperation” in government; such things as these and compromise are at the heart of our Federal system. But, when we’re just a few days out from a sitting President spending a noontime rally riling up supporters to storm the People’s House and disrupt the […]

we’ve crossed a line

07 Jan

“President Trump Has Committed Treason”. This is the title of an op-ed posted on the Washington Post web site yesterday evening. This is most certainly not a headline I ever wanted to see, and certainly not one anyone is comfortable seeing in reference to this novel experiment we call the United States of America. The […]

back to the grind

04 Jan

Today, I went back to work*. Only 270 unread emails in the queue, and 240 or so of those were system-generated cruft. Only took me about 40 minutes to address everything and move on. No crises, no bad news, and even a few encouraging developments. Other than one of the systems I have to use […]

…and it still isn’t over

23 Dec

So, after a couple of “kick the can” extensions, that $900 billion relief package, tied to the omnibus “fund the government” bill, got through both houses of Congress and landed on the President’s desk yesterday. Nobody really liked it; it’s totally insufficient, but that’s what they say compromise looks like, and it would carry us […]

friday thursday random elevenish: “wrapping up work” edition

17 Dec

Today is my last scheduled day of work for 2020. I’ve tied up everything I need to apart from one email response from one individual, who’s reply need only consist of “thumbs up*” for me to close the book on this particular item and feel like I’m keeping the project on track. Also, my body […]

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