Archive for the 'political' Category

you have six more days. make a plan

29 Oct

We’re going to do this every day, folks. If you haven’t, find out how. Commit to making your voice heard. Do your part, if not for you or for me, then for the 231,000 people (as of today) who won’t get a chance to.

feeling this hard

28 Oct

I know the right people don’t find this obscure at all. …and just because it is when it is, VOTE.

content in my blue state, but not resting: make a plan

27 Oct

So, election day’s a week out. Ideally, by the end of next week, we’ll have a better picture of what the next four years will look like; whether to sigh in relief, or continue stockpiling non-perishables in despair. The full-time voting residents of this house have already voted. Early voting at the county registrar is […]

nothing to see here

26 Oct

As predicted, the weekend was pretty low-impact. Friday night involved some livestreamed-over-the-internet theater (the kid kicked ass in a very intense role), Saturday was a brisk five mile hike, doing the shopping, and spendng a few hours engaged with the virtual version of the Ohio Valley Filk Fest, or as it was called this year, […]

friday random elevenish: “multiple eras, multiple saviors” edition

23 Oct

Another Friday reached. Another week behind me. All told, this one’s been a little less stressful than the last few. Sure, there’ve been headaches and roadblocks (one of the backbone financial systems supporting multiple agencies has been choking all week, preventing me from getting important requirements funded, and more importantly, keeping many people from submitting […]

…but it doesn’t have to be

19 Oct

To add some reasonably specific context to my general frustration with the world, I present, for your edification, an actual conversation I had with a work colleauge this morning: Colleaugue: As a side note, it is a little shocking how much touch labor has to be used to get [this simple work thing] out…. Me: […]

possibility of a hot shower tonight…maybe

05 Oct

I don’t really wanna talk about the weekend. Suffice to say it was extra stressful, not particularly restful, and ended Monday morning with wonderful news about middle-of-the-night policy changes at the office that mean I need to take some proposal packages I’ve been working on for the last month or two back to the drawing […]

i said “brrrr, it’s cold in here”

01 Oct

This morning’s title, plus a maybe a few choice obscenities, were some of my first words yesterday morning when the shower definitively confirmed the suspicion underlying much of the previous week: The hot water heater died. Yes, “hot water heater” is rather redundant, but that’s what said device is indeed called on all the websites […]

lowered expectations

28 Sep

On Friday I spent some time talking about “The Six Month Wall”, and how the way to get past it, according to experts, is to just give yourself permission to be less productive and take a bit of a break. So, this weekend, that’s what I did. The weather was mostly crap, so I stuck […]

even worse, mostly

21 Sep

The world is losing way too many good people right now. This week/weekend has been rough. Beyond my uncle last week, I learned that I lost a friend (who had officiated over 3600 weddings and loved sharing bizarre musical instruments) to complications of a stroke, and several friends have lost beloved pets, not to mention […]

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