Archive for the 'promo' Category

DragonCon 2017 round-up

07 Sep

So, that’s another DragonCon for the books. After four years of doing this (and the rest of the band having an extra year on me besides), we seem to have both figured out logistics and a few tricks for, as well as developed a pretty decent following at, this event; things went pretty damned smooth […]

Dragon*Con time

30 Aug

Wednesday is my last work day before taking a few days off for my annual march to Atlanta with The Blibbering Humdingers for Dragon*Con, where we’ll be playing a bunch of shows, vending, and generally taking in the sights and catching up with dear friends and co-conspirators. In case you’re in the area, here’s where […]

friday random eleven: “storm before the storm” edition

25 Aug

As indicated earlier, ’twas my birthday week this week, and it was…okay. The rest of the week was full of weird stresses I don’t always hit. Work was extra stressful (it’s the end of the fiscal year, and they keep on changing the rules about getting my contracts sorted, plus the series of tubes shit […]

friday random eleven: “what a craic” edition

23 Jun

Another week down. I spent quite a bit of it doing the usual work/exercise/etc thing. Pretty standard, aside from a couple of car service appointments (one of which is still in process – a recall repair/rogue check engine light on the van is taking a while, so the spouse is currently rocking a 363hp Chrysler […]

this weekend – Awesomecon

14 Jun

Just as a heads’ up, I’ll be a guest (as part of Dimensional Riffs) at Awesome-Con on Saturday in D.C.! We’re running a panel on “Nerd Rock” at 6pm on Saturday in room 154. We’ll talk about the history, future, and myriad flavors of “Nerd Rock”, and will also play a couple of tunes while […]

concarolinas – where I’ll be

01 Jun

So, this weekend is ConCarolinas, a con in Charlotte, NC I’ve done the last couple of years with The Humdingers, which has always been a pretty good time; usually a bunch of our musical friends are there, and we get up to all sorts of mischief (usually the good kind). This year is no exception, […]

friday random eleven: “don’t talk about it” edition

12 May

Happy rainy Friday, folks! I’m wrapping up my work week a little early to make the trek to the other end of the state for the Roanoke Harry Potter Festival gig tomorrow, which should be fun, even if the whole business has been wet, rainy fustercluck so far in terms of scheduling, atmospheric conditions, and […]

Roanoke Potter Fest

11 May

It seems the thing to drop a quick note to let anybody within sight of this particular post that we Humdingers will be performing at the Roanoke Harry Potter Festival in beautiful Roanoke VA this Saturday, May 13! As of right now, the schedule has us playing at 11am and 4pm as part of the […]

Fantastic Geeks and Where to Find Them

07 May

Hey, look what I woke up to this morning! Fantastic Geeks and Where to Find Them (Pre-release EP) by The Blibbering Humdingers It’s the new release (kind of) from The Blibbering Humdingers! We’ve been working quite a bit on this one for the last little while (right up until Saturday afternoon, in fact!), and while […]

friday random eleven – “all over the place” edition

05 May

Happy Friday, folks. It’s actually not been a bad week at all. At work, I’ve managed to finally (I think) give everyone the documentation they need to wrap up the annual budget/contract stuff so I’ll be able to pay my folks next year. I hope, anyway. It feels good right now, so I’ll take it. […]

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