Archive for the 'promo' Category

friday random elevenish: “complaining into promo” edition

26 May

Not a lot of engagement with the world, online or otherwise that hasn’t had to do with work these last two weeks. That can happen when you get assigned a seriously time-sensitive and poorly-documented requirement that somebody just dropped and abandoned four or five months ago, and needs to be solved now or the organization […]

friday random elevenish: “doing all the things” edition

28 Apr

So, I’ve been up to some stuff. Last weekend, with it’s pub crawl adventures (lots of fun showing a friend around town and sampling many libations and game stores) and Ravencon was pretty cool. I think I played some really good shows (I might actually be getting kind of good at this?) and the new […]

promo: ravencon 16

19 Apr

As mentioned previously, I’ll be a guest at Ravencon, my hometown convention here in the RVA, this weekend. I’ll be playing a few solo shows and being an occasional panelist. I haven’t played this one in a few years; the last time was doing the RavenCon Summer Concert back in ’21, though I’ve been attending […]


18 Apr

So, periodontal surgery last week went off without a hitch; got the gums slashed and stitched, and after the first eighteen hours or so which hurt like hell, the pain’s been very manageable. I’m a little tired of the industrial plastic taste from the dressings installed around the sutures, and am growing rather weary of […]

friday random elevenish: “just here for the promo” edition

24 Mar

It has been a week. I worked, I got through the day, I mostly slept okay, and had a really nice bike ride in Thursday afternoon’s gorgeous 80°+ temperatures, which helped distract me from what day Thursday was. Three decades later, I still miss my dad most on his birthday. Not much so say otherwise, […]

friday random elevenish: “not feeling it” edition

03 Mar

Been a hell of a week all around. Don’t feel like talking about it. Here’s what Spotify spit out this morning while I’ve been doing my best to smile through the despair That’s a link, btw, to a track from my quick-and-dirty bandcamp release of fawm two-track demos – the whole six-track record may be […]

sir not appearing in at this con

17 Jan

As has been mentioned previously, I was not a guest at Marscon this year, though attended with my family as a civilian. This convention, what I consider my “home” convention for various reasons, had gone through some changes heading into this year, in terms of management and venue, and I wasn’t entirely sure what to […]

friday random elevenish: “the morning after” edition

09 Dec

So, I thought last night’s show went pretty well. I thought I sounded pretty good; sold few CDs and pulled in some tips in addition to my fee, and, probably most important to the venue, brought in some friends who ordered lots of food and beverages. The staff (who I generally get along with anyway) […]

promo – Thursday Music and Fun at Dancing Kilt

07 Dec

I’ve mentioned this before, but tomorrow night, Thursday, December 8, I’ll be playing a solo acoustic show at my favored local watering hole, Dancing Kilt brewery here in my hometown. I’ll be playing several sets between 6pm and 9pm; I’m digging way back into the archives for enough tunes to fill three hours or so, […]

wednesday random elevenish: “pardon me if i skip all this…” edition

23 Nov

For those keeping track of my crashing mental state, Tuesday was…better. Sure, I worked eleven hours, thanks to annual ethics training, some interesting contract communication issues, and everybody trying to squeeze a whole week into two and a half days’ worth of desk time, but I got a ton done, had a nice sunset walk […]

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