Archive for the 'promo' Category

promo – Thursday Music and Fun at Dancing Kilt

07 Dec

I’ve mentioned this before, but tomorrow night, Thursday, December 8, I’ll be playing a solo acoustic show at my favored local watering hole, Dancing Kilt brewery here in my hometown. I’ll be playing several sets between 6pm and 9pm; I’m digging way back into the archives for enough tunes to fill three hours or so, […]

wednesday random elevenish: “pardon me if i skip all this…” edition

23 Nov

For those keeping track of my crashing mental state, Tuesday was…better. Sure, I worked eleven hours, thanks to annual ethics training, some interesting contract communication issues, and everybody trying to squeeze a whole week into two and a half days’ worth of desk time, but I got a ton done, had a nice sunset walk […]

hit the wall…again

17 Nov

I’ll be honest, I’ve been struggling this week. My boss has been out a couple of days for a well-deserved break, and as her designated emergency out-of-office reply contact, I’ve been putting out a few fires in between all the business case review meetings and getting awfully frustrated with the way that our re-alignment of […]

thursday random elevenish: “that dream…” edition

10 Nov

Putting this one up today because it’s Veteran’s Day (due respect, folks…) tomorrow and I have the day off, and plan on not staring at a computer all day if I can help it. This week’s been, well, not bad, but eventful. Been a little foggy after Tuesday’s dental stuff (no lingering pain, but less-than-awesome […]


31 Aug

Having gotten clear of the COVID business (it was relatively minor on my end), tomorrow morning I start heading south to spend the weekend in Atlanta playing shows with the Humdingers at DragonCon as part of the filk track. This’ll be my sixth time heading into this particular breach; I won’t say that I’m not […]

working vacation weekend two – confluence (plus some promo)

29 Jul

By the time you’re reading this, my lovely spouse and I will be hitting the road for my second convention gig in as many weekends: Confluence in Pittsburgh, PA. I’ve not been to this convention before, but this community is small enough that there will likely be some folks I know, but a bunch I […]

working vacation weekend one – con-gregate

20 Jul

As indicated previously, I’m taking a bit of a working vacation beginnning this weekend, playing shows at a couple of cons on the east coast and taking a few days off in-between; a small tour, if you will… My first stop is Con-Gregate 8 this weekend in Winston-Salem NC. I’ll be playing a couple of […]

friday random elevenish: “100 bpm” edition

06 May

Hell of a week this was. Couple of twelve hour work days, sprained wrist, and cold-like symptoms the last several days, which have played hell with my anxiety, as I’ve been having dreams the early part of this week that I’d caught the ‘rona at RavenCon and that would sideline my plans to participate in […]

friday random elevenish: “fool me once…” edition

01 Apr

It was a week. Not much more, not much less. I honestly don’t remember much of it…between work, exercise, eating something or other, getting this tune stuck in my head thanks to the ice skating class across the way, the entertainment highlight that was Moon Knight, struggling with the dense text of the novel I’m […]

the good tired – marscon 22 wrap-up

22 Mar

no idea why I’m always slightly out of frame in action shots… Marscon was, as it always is, a good time; it’s home. It’s the place where my con music career transformed from the guy in the back of the filk room all the way up to the guy with a well-attended solo set on […]

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