Archive for the 'promo' Category

promo – ravencon summer concert

03 Aug

I’ve mentioned this event in this space before, but this time, I’m including….a poster! This Sunday, I’ll be on the bill at the RavenCon Summer Concert, along with other acts including Mikey Mason, Dirty Metal Lefty, Doctor Shock and the Electrodes, and my former bandmates Dimensional Riffs. It’ll be a safe and (hopefully) beautiful summer […]

friday random elevenish: “lighter and heavier” edition

23 Jul

The work week itself has been exceedingly dull. Other than chasing around one of the data trading partners’ sending of a bunch of duplicate transactions and checking on the status of the few remaining FY21 requirement acquisitions, there’s not been a lot, because, as I said, my pile is largely worked through, and everyone else […]

thursday random elevenish – “congregating” edition

08 Jul

Doing this today, as I’m making a long weekend of it and heading down to Winston-Salem NC this weekend for Con-Gregate to see some friends and play some music, as one is wont to do at these sorts of things. As for where one can catch me doing those things, here’s my tentative schedule: Friday, […]

half-step behind

23 Jun

Felt yesterday that I’d been lagging a little behind the curve on most things. Even though I’m objectively ahead of the game at work, with all my projects in their proper places with time to spare, so it’s not necessary for me to participate in the current crazy sprint to get things lined up for […]

friday random elevenish: “juneteenth (observed)” edition

18 Jun

It’s been a relatively quiet week (at work, anyway), capped off by a welcome surprise day off thanks to the Federal Government (including unanimous consent in this Senate!) making tomorrow, Juneteenth, a national federal holiday, which, frankly, is long overdue (now, let’s just pass *any* of the election reform laws floating around DC right now, […]

promo: filk quest

17 Jun

Last night I sat down (virtually) with my good friend Frank Parker of the Nefarious Filk Ferrets for an hour or so as a guest on his Filk Quest streaming show; talking music, influences and community in our little corner of the music/fandom world. I also played a few tunes during the course of our […]

thursday random elevenish: “back in the world” edition

03 Jun

Going to do this today, because when I’d normally be prepping this post, I’ll be packing and heading south for my first live gigs in over a year. It’s still a little intimidating, even if after rehearsals that showed me that I haven’t forgotten nearly as much as I thought I had, to be getting […]

recurrence side effects may include vexation

04 May

In an *interesting* development, ten days after getting my second dose of the Pfizer shot, Monday night I got hit with a repeat performance of those wonderful side effects. Not as intense as the initial round, but still a slightly elevated fever, muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes. Joy. I know this means that it’s […]

hits like a truck

05 Apr

As I mentioned, I got my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine on Friday afternoon. I was hoping for few side effects, as I had ambitious cycling plans for the weekend. Those didn’t happen. I can’t say this will be everyone’s experience, but for me, the exhaustion and “wiped out” feeling hit hard right around […]

friday random elevenish: “not throwin’ away my…” edition

02 Apr

Another Friday, another long week. A week full of sinus pressure, problematic bureaucracy, and senior executive briefings, framed by crappy weather that kept me off the bike most of the week. However, it’s Friday, and at this point, it’s looking like it’ll be a quiet one. I’ve moved my projects along to the point where […]

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