Archive for the 'promo' Category

pre-thanksgiving entertainment options

24 Nov

If you’re looking for some Thanksgiving Eve enterainment this year, might I humbly suggest you tune in to my friend Madison “Metricula” Roberts’ weekly streaming music show on Wednesday night? Each week, she plays “6 songs at 6pm from 6 categories”: One song hot off the press by me, one song by a friend, one […]

♫ step up to the bar and pick your poison ♫

16 Sep

In an age that seems eons ago, 2018, The Blibbering Humdingers released our most recent record, Fantastic Geeks and Where To Find Them, to much acclaim. We played all over the place with it, and people seem to dig the cool 1920s aesthetic most of the record presented. Since the initial shows supporting this one, […]

thursday random elevenish: “progress(ive)” edition

10 Sep

For the first time in like two weeks, I’m coming off a decent night’s sleep. I am not sure what I did to achieve that, but I’m going to try to do it again. A solid eight hours makes something of a difference. I’m going to chalk it up to yesterday’s refreshing rain, which I’m […]

promo: chuck on filkcast this week

09 Sep

Just a quick note to point to one of my tunes being included on this week’s edition of Eric Coleman’s Filkcast podcast, along with a bunch of other music from acts like my friends Night Sabers and The Misbehavin’ Maidens. Listen Here!

thursday random elevenish: “virtual promotion” edition

03 Sep

Another week in the can, so to speak. It’s been busy, with lots of stuff going on at work, and getting school started with the youngest child, all a challenge since current conditions have us all doing our thing from the house. But, we’re managing, in particular, me, through tons of sinus issues in the […]

dragoncon goes virtual

01 Sep

So, in most normal years, right about now I’d likely be wrapping up work things to take a couple of days off to head down to Atlanta with almost 100,000 of my closest friends for Dragoncon where I’d get to play rock star with my buddies the Blibbering Humdingers, though given the realities of the […]

friday-ish random elevenish: “sbcl” edition

13 Aug

SBCL (Separated by a Common Language, or any of these things). I work in public sector information technology, which means that TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms) run rampant; it’s one of this career path’s joys. I’m pretty sure if I felt like putting in the effort, I could probably knock out a paragraph or three in […]

friday random elevenish: “just look at song title number six” edition

07 Aug

It’s been a week; certainly. Glad to see it mostly behind me. There actually hasn’t been all that much to report since the storm kinda fizzled earlier this week. Been just rainy and humid enough to scuttle most of the bike riding, but I spent a couple of nice enough afternoons hiking a local park, […]

friday random elevenish: “at least it’s almost over” edition

24 Jul

Can’t really put it any other way. Not that there wasn’t some good (my tunes hit spotify, got some good biking done, etc), but largely, it was a hot, stressful slog that I struggled to push myself through. It is, however, Friday, and I’m going to keep plugging on the best I can, hoping that […]


21 Jul

So, folks, as of checking in this morning, my record, World’s Okayest… is now streaming on Spotify! I’d still love if you bought the thing, of course, but I’m happy for folks to just hear the stuff, to be honest (plus, I get like a fraction of a cent if you play one of my […]

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