Archive for the 'random ten' Category

friday random elevenish: “freedom, responsibility, tacos”

30 Jul

“I know people talk about freedom, but I learned growing up … with freedom comes responsibility. The decision to be unvaccinated impacts someone else.” It seems the President and I are of a mind on some things. That quote above is from his remarks on Thursday announcing new plans for stepping up the pace on […]

friday random elevenish: “lighter and heavier” edition

23 Jul

The work week itself has been exceedingly dull. Other than chasing around one of the data trading partners’ sending of a bunch of duplicate transactions and checking on the status of the few remaining FY21 requirement acquisitions, there’s not been a lot, because, as I said, my pile is largely worked through, and everyone else […]

friday random elevenish: “maintenance required” edition

16 Jul

In most respects, this week has been pretty darned typical. Apart from my taking the day off Monday, it’s been work, bike, read, watch some stuff on TV. And Oh yeah, deal with the frustration of things breaking or wearing out…again. The VPN at work has been crashing hard all week, especially on Thursday. There’s […]

thursday random elevenish – “congregating” edition

08 Jul

Doing this today, as I’m making a long weekend of it and heading down to Winston-Salem NC this weekend for Con-Gregate to see some friends and play some music, as one is wont to do at these sorts of things. As for where one can catch me doing those things, here’s my tentative schedule: Friday, […]

friday random elevenish: “nothing of particular interest” edition

02 Jul

Been another week. Work. Bike. Play a little guitar. Standard in this time when half the world has decided that the pandemic’s over, and the other half is focusing on rising infections of the Delta Variant, especially because a good third of this country (and a much larger percentage of the localities surrounding mine, even […]

friday random elevenish: “nothing to see here” edition

25 Jun

This week’s been, shall we say…slow. As I indicated earlier this week, I’ve been feeling a little off-kilter, in large part, I think, due to how slow things have been. Things got a little better as the week went on, I suppose, as the weather the last couple of days has been gorgeous, and I’ve […]

friday random elevenish: “juneteenth (observed)” edition

18 Jun

It’s been a relatively quiet week (at work, anyway), capped off by a welcome surprise day off thanks to the Federal Government (including unanimous consent in this Senate!) making tomorrow, Juneteenth, a national federal holiday, which, frankly, is long overdue (now, let’s just pass *any* of the election reform laws floating around DC right now, […]

friday random elevenish: “not going to be a disney princess” edition

11 Jun

Little to report that I haven’t already mentioned; work has been, apart from the rise of a potential Reply-All-Pocalypse™ on Thursday afternoon, relatively quiet and somewhat productive. Got some riding in, including a wet 20 miles on Wednesday as I tried to stay ahead of a storm, and unlike all my peers on social media, […]

thursday random elevenish: “back in the world” edition

03 Jun

Going to do this today, because when I’d normally be prepping this post, I’ll be packing and heading south for my first live gigs in over a year. It’s still a little intimidating, even if after rehearsals that showed me that I haven’t forgotten nearly as much as I thought I had, to be getting […]

friday random elevenish: “all in the subtext” edition

28 May

Didn’t love this week. Got the stuff done, but I never felt particularly accomplished about anything. I just spent too much time on a conference call, behind the wheel of a car, or hunched over a keyboard. Such things are exhausting, and I really didn’t want to do them, but because I am a grown-ass […]

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