Archive for the 'random ten' Category

friday random elevenish: “qualified (with parenthetical asides)” edition

04 Dec

In the end, this week hasn’t necessarily been as bad as it’s posts suggest. Progress has been made. It’s looking like that work headache is finally clearing, and the (totally not mine) delays have been noticed by levels of power that might be able to effect change (but I’m not holding my breath). Also, earlier […]

friday random elevenish: “i bought a headache” edition

20 Nov

Indeed, a week. As briefly teased in earlier dispatches, I’ve spent a large part of the week dealing with petty bureaucrats and their petty power-trips. It has, for the large part, sucked, though after working with some dare-i-say “allies” within the organization, I unleashed a little bit of bureaucratic jujitsu of my own, and have […]

friday random elevenish – “you take it on faith, you take it to the heart” edition

06 Nov

Like I said yesterday, we’re going to be waiting a little bit for this one, but from where I’m sitting, things looks to be breaking our way. All it’s going to take is time. It’s the same way we get through any week, really, and this week’s been a long one for other reasons as […]

friday random elevenish: “get out and vote, seriously, do it” edition

30 Oct

It’s damp, it’s sort of cold, and it’s less than a week to election day. If you haven’t done so, or sorted out how you’re going to do so, get on that now, please. It’s not too late, but it’s imperative. But, the week’s basically over. It’s been low-level stressful all the way around, though […]

friday random elevenish: “multiple eras, multiple saviors” edition

23 Oct

Another Friday reached. Another week behind me. All told, this one’s been a little less stressful than the last few. Sure, there’ve been headaches and roadblocks (one of the backbone financial systems supporting multiple agencies has been choking all week, preventing me from getting important requirements funded, and more importantly, keeping many people from submitting […]

friday random elevenish: “lagomorph hotel” edition

16 Oct

And, apart from a few hours of low-impact office work today, this week’s in the can. It’s not been entirely unpleasant, and kind of eventful. I visited my actual office for the first time in more than six months, and survived to tell the tale. I mysteriously pulled an abdominal muscle doing a five mile […]

friday random elevenish: “number one is objectively wrong” edition

09 Oct

The week’s ending slightly better than it started, I guess; “nothing particularly significant” is better than “total emotional breakdown,” if we’re keeping score. The low point was Tuesday afternoon. I got through the work day well enough, apart from the usual bullshit regarding the ever-shifting office policy and SharePoint gatekeeping. After shutting down for the […]

friday random elevenish: “nothing good, nothing even neutral” edition

02 Oct

It is indeed Friday when this gets posted (if not when it gets composed). This week, clearly, has not been good. Lots of crap, everywhere, shoveled heavily over my existence. To put it plainly, it sucked; there was very little worth feeling good about, all told. But, this is the world we live in now. […]

friday random elevenish: “the wall” edition

25 Sep

Earlier this week, a friend shared a series of posts on social media from a disaster response expert about “The Six Month Wall,” a point in any ongoing crisis where a person is just done, tired of the grind, of coping, and has just lost all semblance of enthusiasm, motivation, and productivity. I’m there. We’re […]

friday random elevenish: “bad news” edition

18 Sep

Best thing I can say about this week is that it’s basically over. This whole week I’ve been struggling with respiratory/allergy issues, and given the Current State of Things ™, I’ve of course been worried that it’s the dreaded ‘Rona, even if the symptoms don’t at all match up to those reported. Mostly, I’ve just […]

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