Archive for the 'random ten' Category
thursday random elevenish: “virtual promotion” edition
Another week in the can, so to speak. It’s been busy, with lots of stuff going on at work, and getting school started with the youngest child, all a challenge since current conditions have us all doing our thing from the house. But, we’re managing, in particular, me, through tons of sinus issues in the […]
friday random elevenish: “unconventional” edition
Not much to say about the week, really. Accomplished a few things, encountered more than a few frustrations, pressed on through it all because I’m a goddamn professional, and, as it appears will come to pass as I write this, will make it through to the end mostly unscathed. Did most of it through the […]
friday-ish random elevenish: “sbcl” edition
SBCL (Separated by a Common Language, or any of these things). I work in public sector information technology, which means that TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms) run rampant; it’s one of this career path’s joys. I’m pretty sure if I felt like putting in the effort, I could probably knock out a paragraph or three in […]
friday random elevenish: “just look at song title number six” edition
It’s been a week; certainly. Glad to see it mostly behind me. There actually hasn’t been all that much to report since the storm kinda fizzled earlier this week. Been just rainy and humid enough to scuttle most of the bike riding, but I spent a couple of nice enough afternoons hiking a local park, […]
friday random elevenish: “tying a bow on july” edition
So this week…up and down. Could’ve been worse, I guess. Once I got past the monthly review board at work, things settled down nicely, except that the boss went on surprise paternity leave (kid was a few weeks early), and he didn’t read us into a bunch of things. Hoping he drops us some knowledge […]
friday random elevenish: “focusing on the good” edition
If you’ve been paying attention to my posts the last couple of weeks (especially this week), you’ve probably gotten the impression that things are decidedly not good. That perception’s not entirely wrong, of course – one merely needs to look out the window or to the television to see that: the White House is is […]
friday random elevenish: “personal progress in the face of apocalyptic thinking offers no solace” edition
Remember, back an eternity ago (but actually only about 48 hours, since this is how the world works now) when I mentioned that the bubble wrap was better than the weeping and irritability? Yeah, that didn’t last long. Wednesday (and most of Thursday as I start writing this missive) were emotionally rough, for no particularly […]