Archive for the 'random ten' Category

friday random elevenish: “extended holidays and asynchronous rides”

03 Jul

If you’re reading this Friday morning (as I expect you probably are), I’m probably in the midst of my next leg of the Capital Quarantine Challenge, and not sitting at my computer after loading up everyone’s inboxes first thing, because it’s the federal bank holiday for Independence Day. My plan as it stands is to […]

friday random elevenish: “i just explained this to you with jibberish word salad, why don’t you get it” edition

26 Jun

It is Friday, and a welcome one. Although this was a short work week (I was off Monday), it felt extra long, as they do, especially since several of the days were extended, stuck-on-the-phone for ten hours days. If all falls together as I hope, I’ll be taking those hours back for myself this afternoon. […]

friday random elevenish: “damn, i’m old” edition

19 Jun

Today’s headline refers to the fact that my eldest child today turns twenty-one. All told, it’s not the best year to turn twenty-one if you’re of the mind to go out and visit interesting drinking establishments and such (especially when your dad knows so many brewery people). We’d talked for quite a while about the […]

friday random elevenish: “various and sundry, plus promo” edition

05 Jun

This week, as weeks go, at least personally, in this age of pandemic, protest, fascist photo ops heat wave, and bears, hasn’t been the worst of the lot. I’ve gotten some actual work done (without working too hard about it), read some books (including the wonderful The Last Emperox by John Scalzi, in the welcome […]

friday random elevenish: “craving a ham sandwich” edition

29 May

Woke up really damned early this morning; sleep wouldn’t take. So I logged onto the work VPN around 4am; my work day will be over by noon, which I guess is a silver lining on the situation. Not like there’s going to be much to work on in any case; I spent yesterday afternoon lining […]

friday random elevenish: “ExceptionLogonFailed…” edition

22 May

It’s quite possible I’m the only idiot in the organization actually working today, given the date on the calendar. I say “working”, though it’s rather difficult to actually accomplish much of anything when the enterprise email system keeps throwing up random code errors instead of my inbox, and I require certain information from people before […]

friday random elevenish: “flash gordon is the obvious next step” edition

15 May

While I had a few thoughts in this space this week, it’s been largely, you know, the same. Get up (even earlier than usual today, because sleep, it seems, is fleeting), work, maybe go for a walk, handle some chores, watch some tv or read, go to bed. I while it’s not always obvious, especially […]

friday random elevenish: “transmission problems” edition

08 May

Today’s header refers not to unfortunate automotive issues (thank goodness), but rather to an old joke I’ve likely made at least a few times before in this space over the years, about having difficulty “getting my ass in gear.” The last few days, while not being particularly unpleasant, seem to line up with some song […]

friday random elevenish: “salty” edition

01 May

Being socially distant is probably for the best the last day or two. We’ve hit that part of the quarantine time cycle where I am very quick to snap at anybody and everything that impedes my ability to get my work done, go to the bathroom on my schedule, or simply gets in the way […]

friday random elevenish: “the power of a tuna sandwich” edition

24 Apr

Since my last dispatch 48 hours or so ago, it’s honestly pretty much the same. I get up, I work for a few hours in the company of my cat, sit conference calls and answer emails, then I try and come up with other stuff to fill the time; and honestly, with few exceptions, I […]

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