Archive for the 'stress' Category

mental health monday

21 Jul

As I indicated last week, I took myself a mental health day on Monday in order to try to cleanse some of the frustration, stress, and craziness of last week’s “rush to do all the acquisition things” theme. It mostly worked, and I got a bunch of stuff done, both for me, and around the […]

♫ and i’ll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats ♫

16 Jul

This week was the one during which I cracked. I struggled with all the stereotypical hallmarks of bureaucracy as seen through the filter of Gilliam’s Brazil this week, and it almost broke me. While the fiscal year ends with September, the fact that the acquisition shop needs time to actually buy the things means that […]

friday random elevenish: “personal progress in the face of apocalyptic thinking offers no solace” edition

10 Jul

Remember, back an eternity ago (but actually only about 48 hours, since this is how the world works now) when I mentioned that the bubble wrap was better than the weeping and irritability? Yeah, that didn’t last long. Wednesday (and most of Thursday as I start writing this missive) were emotionally rough, for no particularly […]

friday random elevenish: “i just explained this to you with jibberish word salad, why don’t you get it” edition

26 Jun

It is Friday, and a welcome one. Although this was a short work week (I was off Monday), it felt extra long, as they do, especially since several of the days were extended, stuck-on-the-phone for ten hours days. If all falls together as I hope, I’ll be taking those hours back for myself this afternoon. […]

mid-week musings

24 Jun

Weekend wasn’t bad; bit of rain here and there, though we got out to Crazy Rooster on Sunday afternoon for an hour or so; it’s a nice place, will be an *awesome* hang-out and chill sort of place if ‘rona accommodations ever end, and the Late Day Shadow NE IPA is kinda divine. It’s been […]

venting pressure to start the week

15 Jun

Sunday, after say, 9am, wasn’t particularly cool. It started well enough, with me knocking out a solid ten bike miles on the Virginia Capital Trail (I did the same Saturday morning). I came home to find my lovely spouse making good progress replacing the ratty old carpet in the upstairs hallway with wood-look vinyl flooring. […]

♫ i keep thinking maybe time will mend this broken down ♫

28 May

So very little to say. Nothing bad, nothing good. I might go as far as to say that I’m on a slightly more even keel than I was earlier this week, but then, that’s all kind of relative at this point. Stress from all corners at this point in my life is a given; even […]

publicly working through mid-life issues

26 May

I am legitimately, wholeheartedly trying to do my job today, though the technology on the back end is doing it’s damnedest to prevent me from actually doing it. After the disaster of an email/messaging experience on Friday, it seems we’re back to more of the same after the long weekend. I managed to access things […]

friday random elevenish: “ExceptionLogonFailed…” edition

22 May

It’s quite possible I’m the only idiot in the organization actually working today, given the date on the calendar. I say “working”, though it’s rather difficult to actually accomplish much of anything when the enterprise email system keeps throwing up random code errors instead of my inbox, and I require certain information from people before […]

friday random elevenish: “transmission problems” edition

08 May

Today’s header refers not to unfortunate automotive issues (thank goodness), but rather to an old joke I’ve likely made at least a few times before in this space over the years, about having difficulty “getting my ass in gear.” The last few days, while not being particularly unpleasant, seem to line up with some song […]

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