Archive for the 'stress' Category
…never got the hang of thursdays
Because I can’t think of anything else, I’ll quote Douglas Adams for today’s headline. Seems as good a thing as any. I was, as you can clearly read, less than my best self yesterday. Doesn’t mean the feelings weren’t valid, because certain business processes do indeed suck. However, I did get a Metric Assload™ of […]
much improved
It’s been a much better day today. I slept well last night, accomplished a lot at “work” (and my co-worker, Phoenix the cat, never left my side), and made a delicious curry for dinner. No particular stressors. Thanks to all my loving and supportive friends – you all are awesome, and had my back when […]
I hit a serious low point yesterday. The broadly applicable stress of this whole international pandemic situation knocked me the hell down. Sobbing, anxious, breakdown for an hour or two down. I’m not sure I’m really better yet, but by evening, I was functional enough to watch an episode of “Tiger King”, but…nonetheless, here I […]
friday random elevenish: “literal holding pattern” edition
We’re all, of course, in the same place as we have been, because that’s the way it is. Working from home has become habit now, and it’s not terrible; as I described earlier this week, I have a routine. I haven’t really interacted with anyone beyond the immediate fam beyond phone or email, but we’re […]
same as it ever was
This business is starting to become routine now, which I guess is good, because I’m pretty sure we’re in this for the long-term, at least through June, if I’m reading the tea leaves of state government and the scant information coming out of the office. I’ve been working from home for the last week (even […]
friday random elevenish: “comfort in routine” edition
After being in “social distancing” mode for two weeks or so now, it’s weird that all this is starting to feel, well…if not normal, then at least kind of routine. We’re starting to develop patterns and habits, and for someone like me with obsessive/compulsive tendencies, regularity is comforting on a base, lizard-brain level (though that […]
those who DO remember the past are just doomed
Coping with the current General State of Things™ certainly isn’t made easier when you have a degree in history, and not just because it lets you pervert Santayana for effect. Beyond the whole “plaugues of the xx20s” thing that’s going around the internets, the stock market fluctuating wildly then tanking (which is mostly due to […]