Archive for the 'stress' Category
friday random elevenish: “apparently i’m important to people besides my cat” edition
Today looks relatively quiet, especially after yesterday, where it seemed I was stuck briefing all the important people everywhere. As I said on social media, even two decades in public service, up here near the top of the pay scale, it’s weird to know that on a semi-regular basis, my voice echoes through the august […]
friday random elevenish: “sinues and goats and such” edition
It’s Friday. Finally. It’s been a weird week; alternately dead time or total crazytown, and likely to flip minute by minute. That said, I have, at 6:50am as I’m typing this, completed all the required tasks on my day’s to-do list as I wrote it down when I left the office yesterday evening. At least […]
friday random elevenish: “triggered” edition
It is, at least the last time I looked at a calendar (for today,not 1982). Just checked the lower right corner of the computer screen. Yep, Friday. Anyway, yesterday was strangely emotional for me. I was moved by Blasey Ford’s testimony (I was tearing up at her reading her opening statement), and I actually had […]
unpleasant old feelings
I’ve probably been paying more attention to the current Supreme Court business than is healthy, and the salaciousness of everything is certainly increasing the coverage this particular reality show being put on by our government is getting. Mostly, though, I’m hating the fact that here, in 2018, we’re where we are as a society, that […]
Friday random elevenish: “when a week’s a month” edition
As I’ve said to several people this week, starting around Tuesday afternoon, this week has felt longer than the whole month of August when I was stuck in Aberdeen (not too far from yesterday’s unpleasantness, incidentally) away from pretty much everything I love and care about. It’s largely had to do with work stuff, which […]
apocalypse not quite cancelled
Last week it was hurricane. Monday afternoon the metro area was beset with tornadoes For the record, all of us are safe, with nothing to show for things beyond screwed up school bus routes and a couple of automated emergency system phone calls from the office; all the apocalyptic conditions were on the other side […]
friday thursday random elevenish: “requisitioning my groove back” edition
Because I have regularly scheduled maintenance to address on both my body and my car that had to wait until after my August Academic Oddessey™, I’m taking Friday off to address those things. By that time, I’ll more than likely be through the email backlog, figured out the line of accounting issues on my travel […]