Archive for the 'stress' Category

friday random elevenish: “…signifying nothing” edition

14 Sep

The big news this week has, of course, been Hurricane Florence, who, as I type this, is starting to bump into the North Carolina coast. The track’s adjusted such that it’s likely going to be a whole lot of “meh” other than some extra rain and wind that shouldn’t amount to much here 120 miles […]

friday thursday random elevenish: “requisitioning my groove back” edition

06 Sep

Because I have regularly scheduled maintenance to address on both my body and my car that had to wait until after my August Academic Oddessey™, I’m taking Friday off to address those things. By that time, I’ll more than likely be through the email backlog, figured out the line of accounting issues on my travel […]

friday random elevenish: “the end” edition

31 Aug

By the time this posts (time delay is kind of awesome, isn’t it?), I will ideally be on my way home after a month living in this damned hotel room. It’s all done except for the last exam, and to pass this course and earn my certification, I need to earn 30 of 125 available […]

the wall

22 Aug

I’m a little past half-way through this course. My team and I (the entire curriculum save the exams is group work, and I have a good team; a really good team) have mutually agreed that we’ve hit the wall. We’re getting pretty good at working the system now; we’re routinely finishing our relatively complex group […]

friday random elevenish: “T-Rex was worth at least 84.5%” edition

17 Aug

So yeah, still sick. Even worse than last time I posted something, though I do have some good meds for the symptoms. That said, it’s not been a terrible week, for being on the road. I even checked my work email thisThursday morning to clear out the automated cruft, and found that things are moving […]

logging the miles

12 Aug

It’s Sunday evening, and I’m back at my August home-away-from-home here in northeastern MD quickly making a trip to celebrate the kid’s birthday a few days early. Colleen went all-out putting together a Harry Potter-themed party, with floating candles hanging from the ceiling, turning the front door into Platform 9¾ picking out wands, sorting into […]

friday thursday random elevenish: “fatti maschii, parole femine” edition

09 Aug

As I write this, I’ve spent a few hours studying for the first “Celebration of Knowledge” (I swear, I wanna hurt the person at the Department training organization who came up with that particular euphemism) scheduled for tomorrow morning, and am hitting consistent 100% scores on the practice tests that some kind soul put up […]

friday random elevenish: “chuck’s rule*” edition

03 Aug

Another week, another pile o’ drama. Par for the course. Work has been ridiculously stressful, the weather’s been awful, kids have been extra twitchy lately, and the tension is bouncing back and forth amongst everyone in the tiny Parker household (including the cats who deign to stay) and everyone is on edge. Yay. I did […]


31 Jul

Today’s gonna be a better day, whether Bison razes my village or not. Kinda has to be. Monday was all the phone calls. All of them. Also, being told out of one side of management’s mouth that I need to disengage because of the class next month, but also need to get these two dozen […]

monday morning coming down

30 Jul

I was a little, shall we say, bleak, on my friday update? Probably, but then, that’s where I kind of find myself. I’m not necessarily better, but I did a whole lot of nothin’ beyond totally failing my quest rolls to find things for errands and catching up on some movies and tv. It was […]

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