Archive for the 'stress' Category

two or three places at once

16 Jul

It was a very, very busy weekend, as you might have imagined. Friday was four hours or so of feis set-up and arranging, and ended up getting bitten by some show choir risers (the bruise on my forearm is *almost* faded now, though); the things I do for my family, I tell you. Saturday was […]

friday random the thirteenth – “duty calls…for prioritization” edition

13 Jul

It has been a week (well, technically, I guess every week is a week, but whatever). Besides the musical adventure I talked about yesterday, I haven’t actually done a hell of a lot beyond work, bike, and sleep, which is kinda what I do most of the time. Work has been the usual frustrations, with […]

fridaythursday random elevenish – “beware the drop bears” edition

05 Jul

second Civil War aside, I had a very low-key 4th of July, other than a long, barely populated drive out to Amherst and back, dropping the eldest off with a couple of her professors and a cadre of her fellow students who will, quite likely by the time many of you read this, be on […]

friday thursday random elevenish: “struggling to conquer cynicism, kinda winning” edition

28 Jun

Setting this loose today, because I’m off the clock tomorrow as mentioned, and probably won’t be locked to a computer while things load and compile, so… Anyway, the week, as a mentioned, has been relatively quiet – I’ve got a couple of conversations that have to happen today before I cut loose for the week, […]

lulled into a false sense of security?

27 Jun

So far, this week’s been relatively painless. As Independence Day is on Wednesday this year, the whole of next week (starting, say…this Thursday afternoon) is essentially treated as a holiday weekend by everyone in my occupational orbit. With people taking leave everywhere, it’s tough to reach a quorum for anything, so the usual meetings are […]

friday random elevenish – “trying to be my best self” edition

22 Jun

It has been, shall we say, not my best week. Coming off of some very difficult stuff at work*, the stress and anxiety of Father’s Day (yeah, it hits me hard), adjusting to the kids being home from school, some weird weather, and frankly, outrage fatigue from the news cycle this week, I have not […]

catching breath

18 Jun

So, I didn’t get a whole lot of downtime this weekend. Starting with Friday afternoon, I left work, rode a quick ten on the trail, then made my way over to the local high school auditorium (now vacated by students, since Friday was the last day) to set-up and assist where necessary for the dress […]

friday random elevenish : “about 400 cranks per mile at 2-6 gearing” edition

15 Jun

More often than not, life looks a little better from other side of twenty miles on the trail. As folks keeping tabs on me this week likely know, I’ve been having a rough week, mentally and emotionally. Vivid dreams, unsettling nervous anxiety, intermittent malaise. Not my best showing. That said, I’ve been doing my best […]

figuring it out helps

13 Jun

Since I wrote my last post, I’ve kind of sunk into one of those strange, kinda mysterious depressive episodes I get now and then; feeling down, weird buzzes of axiety in the nervous system, typical for me. Sometimes it just happens, sometimes it’s got a reason. I thought at first it might be the rain/weather […]

thursday random eleven – “no wonder i drink” edition

31 May

Because I’m off for a long weekend to do the ConCarolinas thing, I’m doing my random playlist this morning, because I like doing it, and I felt like playing some tunes before another day of virtual meeting data analysis starts for me today. For two days so far, I’ve been doing an all-day data analysis […]

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