Archive for the 'stress' Category

pew pew

05 Feb

Lots of things going on occupying most of my time this week that I can’t really talk about. I’m kind of forgetting how to be a whole person rather than just a professional reacting to continual workplace crises. When I do remember how to be a person, it’s not too long before I realize I’m […]

the now-traditional annual job change post

05 Jan

…apologies for the shitty transition After two and a half weeks off, I returned to the office Monday, perhaps refreshed from my holiday staycation, though mostly wracked with low-level anxiety about the prospects of my new job, which also began Monday (the fourth time I’ve changed positions in four years…I hope to slow that down […]

wrapping up

24 Dec

So, I’ve been done with work for the year since last Wednesday. That’s usually enough to warrant a mention here by itself. Not this year; I’ve been too busy. Now it’s Christmas Eve, I’ve been off for a about a week (wow…doesn’t seem like it), and I’m finally getting a small breather. I’ve been doing […]

i get knocked down, but I get up again

06 Oct

T’was quiet for a week or thereabouts in these parts. I’ve been busy with work and life, is all. Plus, I got sick there for a couple of days. Wasn’t fun. Only a couple of things to report, but they might be of interest to some folks. Probably not. First of all, another announcement from […]

friday random ten eleven – “a long forty hours” edition

19 Sep

Along with being International Talk Like A Pirate Day, it’s Friday, which means, if I get around to it, a list of tunes pulled at random from my hard drive. Twas a long week at work. New software releases, lots of repetitive questions, briefings to a nationwide audience, dropping everything to respond to Senatorial queries…you […]

courtesy as a defense mechanism

18 Sep

I am a bureaucrat. It’s not necessarily something I’m proud of; when asked what I do for a living, I usually offer up some variation of “IT guy”, which is what sticks. But basically, I’m a cog in a giant bureaucracy with a fearsome reputation for being unpleasant to deal with, even, as is the […]

announcing my dragon*con schedule

21 Aug

In case you missed all the subtle hints around here the last few months, you’re probably aware that I’ll be a performer/guest at Dragon*Con in Atlanta this year, serving as bass player for Cary, NC’s premiere wizard rock band The Blibbering Humdingers. If you weren’t aware, please consider this your official notification. Dragon*Con, for the […]

i never could get the hang of thursdays

24 Jul

It’s not every day you get to drive north in the southbound lanes of the interstate, and go backwards up an exit ramp. It’s also not every day it takes one six hours to travel the 14 miles from my house to my office. Today is not, apparently, every day. I left for work at […]

you know that feeling

21 Jul

Have you ever had an impending task looming over you for a good long while, hitting all sorts of impediments that need solved, and causing all manner of stress to your person? Sure you have. Remember when it finally got resolved? The relief you felt when the stress finally lifted, and you actually physically felt […]


16 Jun

For friends who saw me this weekend, I may have appeared to be a bit more of a sad sack than usual. This wasn’t an illusion, I really was, and still kind of am. At the best of times, I recognize that I’m basically a sarcastically amusing Eyeore. When things get a little overwhelming, as […]

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